Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Prom And The Deal

That night, I fell asleep with the photo in my hands.

The next few days, my brothers barely talked to me. I would run to school, walk to most classes by myself, and run home from school. The only difference, was that my father started talking to me more.

On Friday, a miracle happened.

Jordie's lunch period got switched, and so did many other of her classes. I guess they didn't care that it was now the beginning of June. Now we have every class together except math. Since Jade has been gone, Jordie has been one of the so-called 'popular girls.' She couldn't care less, she was just glad she was able to make new friends. That means, that I also became very popular. 

Jordie and I have our own table at lunch. It consists of her boyfriend Micheal, another girl named Lauren, a guy named Joseph, another girl named Julia, and another guy named Dan. 

That weekend, we all hung out together at my house. Jordie, Lauren, and Julia slept over. We all stayed in the tree house- it was awesome! 

When we woke up, we made chocolate pancakes. There was a huge mess in the kitchen, but it was totally worth it. 

When Monday came around, I was very sad. I didn't want that weekend to end, it was amazing. 

Now, I am sitting in English, still wishing I was somewhere else.

"Abigail, name someone who was in the first cabinet."

"Excuse me?" I ask, not paying attention. 

She repeats herself, and I answer her.


All of the kids laughed, Asher and Jordie the hardest. 

"Go to the office," the teacher says, pointing at me. "You too, Asher and Jordan. You guys laughed the hardest and that only encourages her behavior." 

Jordie cringed, not because she was being sent to the office, but because the teacher used her real name.

"My brother is not in this class," I say, winking at Jordie. She laughs. We link arms and walk to the office. 

"I can't believe prom is coming up," she says. 

"Are you going?" I ask.

"Duh! My boyfriend is a senior so of course I am going," she replies. "I'm going to drag you along if you don't come."

"Who would I go with?" 

"Me!" She says. 

"But your going with Micheal," I say, starting to laugh. 

"True," she says. "You can go by- yourself." 

"If some asks me, I'll go," I reply. 

"Fine, but we are going dress shopping this Saturday! I  bringing Micheal so he looks awkward," she says, making me laugh. 

We eventually end up in the office.

"What are you three doing here?" A lady sitting at a desk asks us. 

"Three?" I say, confused.

"I'm here as well," a husky voice says. I blush.


"I'm here because laughing is a crime," Jordie says. 

"I'm also here because I laughed," Asher says. 

"I don't know what I am here for," I say, making Jordie commit another crime. 

"She wasn't paying attention in class," Asher corrects, while I roll my eyes.

"I suppose you guys can sit in those chairs," the lady says, pointing to three chairs lined against the wall. 

Jordie sits in the left seat, leaving me to sit in the middle. 

"No talking," the lady adds. 

Jordie starts whispering to me, and the lady rolls her eyes. 

"Prom, here we come," Jordie whispers enthusiastically.


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