daoming si | 道明寺

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爱你|| i love you

ah si💞: yo stupid gurl

y/n:  WHAt

ah si💞: im on de wayy ,, bought ya food

y/n: yaYY ur da best 男朋友 ever !!

y/n: WAIT-


ah si💞: cuz not slow

ah si💞: oOf u were gonna dresS uP for mE¿😏

y/n: yes incase my bare face scares u away:0

ah si💞: stupid i luv u for who u r

ah si💞: not how u look *virtual hugs*

y/n: hmph liESssss (*not sent*)

*Doorbell suddenly rings*


Just when i was about to send the message,the doorbell rang.

"Who could it be?" I thought before walking to the door.

When the door swung opened,my heart raced.

My eyes widened as i covered my mouth,realising that i wasn't dressed up. Instead,my hair was tied in a messy bun paired on with pyjamas. "crapp..my panda eyes.."

"OMYGAWD DAOMING SI, im not rea-

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"OMYGAWD DAOMING SI, im not rea-

I was stopped with a sudden kiss.

I was stopped with a sudden kiss

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He pulled me in,wrapping his arm around,kissing me passionately. The warm and comforting kiss melted me instantly as i closed my eyes.

"y/n" i blushed ,my heart fluttering at his voice.

"Don't cake your face with ugly makeup cause you are beautiful just the way are." he gently caressed my hair.

I just stood there,smiling at him,still unable to process what happened.

"Im so lucky to have you,daoming si."


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