lei | 類

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*again i have music,,so play it and read !!*

I ran right into the tall man's torso,melting into his embrace.

I ran right into the tall man's torso,melting into his embrace

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"Cmmon,not like im leaving for good..." he looked down and ruffled my hair.

"B..but...can't get used to it without you..." i pouted,still holding tightly onto him like a child.

Emotions swirled inside of me as i felt a lump in my throat. My heart was heavy. Like its going to burst anytime.

The days spent with him were the happiest of my life. Without his company,its all bleak and...plain.
What more can i look forward too?

But that's what happen when you love someone right? Their happiness is a part of yours.

For the sake of him,i have to stay strong.

"Can this relationship last?" I questioned.

I buried into his chest and closed my eyes,streaks of tears burned my cheeks.

He caressed my face,wiping away the tear.

"Y/n,you trust me right. No wait,us. I love you and i always will. It will work if we have faith in each other." His hazel eyes softened.

I nodded slightly and forced a smile.

I hugged him again and inhaled his sweet scent.

Something i will miss.

He bend down as our lips connected,lighting me on fire. His warm breathe ghosted across my face. I shut my eyes,slowly interlocking fingers with him. My heart fluttered just like a rush of euphoric bliss running through.

 My heart fluttered just like a rush of euphoric bliss running through

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He slowly drew away,squeeze my hand slightly. "Take care okay? Call me." He smiled.

"Oh and don't skip breakfast. Start the habit of sleeping early,no one's gonna wake you up." He nagged.

I rolled my eyes before getting a flick on the forehead.

"Ouchh!" I winced.

"Okay okay..." i smiled sheepishly.

"Hong Kong flight departure in 5minutes."

That hand that i never wanted to let go...

He loosen his grip on my hand,letting go hesitantly.

"I love you,Lei." looking at him sadly.

He dragged his luggage,constantly turning behind to look at me.

"Call me" he mouthed from afar.

I waved goodbye fighting my inner thoughts.

The man i loved drifted farther from my sight.

"2,589km apart."

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