f4 as boy group

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*How will f4 be as a boy group? Opinions so no hate yallzzz:)) idk wat stage name to give so it sounds cringy fjfnfn*

◦Daoming Si

Stage name→ Si

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Stage name Si

Nicknamesgrumpy si,pineapple head

PositionMain rapper,lead vocalist


-all rap parts written by him

-short yet powerful

-prob gives manager a hard time,,running off to somewhere

-basketball legend

-luvs dreadlock style

-most childish in de grp

-he doesnt look the youngest hmm


-can be the most naggy one in de grp

-tsundere dude

◦Huaze Lei

Stage name→ Lei,,hua hua (?)

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Stage name Lei,,hua hua (?)

Nickname Prince,flower boy

Position Leader,visual,main vocalist


-purest image out of all

-loved for his gentleman ways

-and cuteness

-able to lead the group,,manage team members properly

-composes the instrumental tracks

-melodic,sad lyric written by him

-especially outro tracks

-going on king of mask singer hoho

-weakness: dancing

-daddy jokes

◦Ximen Yan

Stage name→ xi xi ,, xi

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Stage name xi xi ,, xi.Y (?)

Nickname playboy xi,dancing machine

Position Main dancer,lead rapper,vocalist


-Casted for many photo shoots

-savage king

-best at dancing

-choreograph dance

-continues the legacy of tiktok

-3 in 1 package dude (dance,sing,rap)

-most athletic,,well built body

-playboyish image

-lights girls hearteu on fire AHAHA

◦Feng Mei Zuo

◦Feng Mei Zuo

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Stage name M.Z

Nicknamedaddy long legs,giraffe

PositionMain vocalist,centre,lead dancer


-often mistood as the youngest

-vitamin of the grp

-damn loyal to grp members

-always acts cute

-tallest among all

-stands out most on stage

-vocals are oof,, 100%

-gives the best fan service

-attends fashion show,,runway model

-pickup lines expert

*If yall enjoy,,pls vote !! Thankyu:) *

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