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The milkboy||牛奶男

As days passed,the connection between them grew stronger. Deeper.

Neither had they realised this friendship is developing more.

She became more eager to see him. Waking up earlier and standing by near the door.

Anticipating the guy who goes "hello! Your milk is here!"

He came by more often. Looking forward for the next 'tomorrow'

Her existence was like a bright light guiding him down the path.

His existence painted her dull and boring world.

Looking out the window,y/n realised the weeds were growing. The garden looked like a total mess.

"It needs a haircut."

The girl grunted,wiping away the trickling sweat. She was busy pulling out the weeds,not noticing his arrival.

Ximen's mouth curled up,seeing how hardworking she was.

A mischievious idea crept up his mind as he clasped his hands together.

He wanted to give her a good scare.

But instead scared him.

The girl shrieked as she fell down,twisting her ankle.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" He panicked.

Y/n winced as the pain shoots up.


Lei cautiously wrapped the bandage around her ankle.

He bit his lower lips,feeling guilty.

"I'm really really sorry..."

"Its okay..." she wasn't pissed or anything but blamed herself for being clumsy.

"Anything to makeup to you."

She hummed,trying to think of something.

"A kiss?"

Lei's eyes widened in shock and y/n too,realised what she just blurted out.

"Ahahah...um i was just kiddin-" She looked at him,trying to do desperately coverup.

But a pair of soft lips landed on hers.

She froze. Her heart was beating fast.

His lips tasted sweet. Soft.

The kiss broke after a good minute and the boy blushed intensely,looking away.

As for y/n,she got flustered.

"Ah em...i-me"

The girl spoke gibberish and tried to stand up.

An electrifying shock of pain ran through her as she fell back.

And Lei immediately caught her by the waist.

Once again making eye contact.

Y/n felt butterflies fluttering in her.

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