christmas special:

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The young man pinned the thief down,taking back the wallet.

Y/n rushed over,panting heavily.

"This is yours," the guy smiled.

He had black hair and extremely sharp features

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He had black hair and extremely sharp features.

A jaw that looks like it can cut you.

"T-thank you!"

"How can i repay you?"

He simply shook his head,turning his back against her.


"What's your name?"

"Daoming Si."

That was all he said.

Y/n really hoped she could meet him again,by fate. To repay him.

She also felt apologetic for judging his look. Because he looked like a bad boy.

More exact,she felt a dark aura surrounding him.

Finally after what seemed like ages.

She found her remedy.

A strong scent attracted her as she stopped.


Standing outside the cafe.

The sound of bells welcomed her arrival.

Aromatic fragrance of freshly grinded coffee beans.

This smell never gets old to y/n.

"What would you like miss?" The barista smiled.

Y/n found herself blushing because of his handsomeness.

Y/n found herself blushing because of his handsomeness

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He was really tall.

His features wise.

Damn. It will take years to describe.

"A cup of espresso please," her heart was pounding rapidly while making eye contact with him.

"Coming right up." He winked.

She stared at him intently. Every move he made.

The barista's shirt was left unbutton. The top two buttons. His chest was slightly exposed.

It got more heated when he pulled his sleeves up.

His well toned muscular arms were revealed as he grinded the coffee beans. Every hard press,those veins would show.

Y/n immediately snapped out of trance when he tapped her shoulder.

"Miss its ready."

"A-ah thank you." Before she left,the barista placed a folded paper on her tray and smirked.

Y/n was flustered and walked away quickly. But of course deep inside,she was squealing in joy.

Maybe she was bound to stay at the cafe all day?

*ayee guys so i prob publish the last 2 tmr since its christmas or either @ 12midnight so yeah rmb to vote :)) *

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