daoming si | 道明寺 1/5

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                        Coverup|| 们的秘密

*so heres another update,,imma do lei soon and end dis imagine alr:;;; hope yall can vote hehehe and yea if its cringy iM srry !!*

She constantly turns back in fear,as if someone who chasing them.

Her face was a disaster. Lipstick smeared,liners running down.

He was panting heavily and soaked in sweat. But his shirt stained fresh,red blood.

The couple looked messed up.

Hand in hand,they ran.

Running as if there's no tomorrow.

They halted.

It was a dead end.

The deep sea was beneath them.

"I love you."

They pulled into one final kiss.

They leaped forward.

Swallowed by the waters.

It was too late. The officers failed to arrest them.

What a twisted fate.

Everything comes with a price.

An eye for an eye,

A tooth for a tooth.

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