lei | 類 3/5

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The milkboy||牛奶男

It was yet another day where y/n stood outside her house.

Waiting for his arrival.

The familiar ringing sound of bicycle made her face lit up.

He was here.

"Heyy y/n!" Lei shouted,waving his hand in the air.

She waved excitedly and ran over to him.

"I-i missed you..." smiling shyly.

Lei was taken aback but internally?

Butterflies were fluttering. His heart pumps fast uncontrollably.

"Me too..." he scratched the back of his head.

"Here." Handing over a carton of milk to her.

She suddenly grabbed his hand,dragging him along gently.

"Follow me."

Lei's eyes were glued to her. As if time was slowed down,he capture all her features. Keeping it in his heart.

The morning sun casted a golden shimmer against her pale skin,black flowy hair.

And soft pinkish lips. He craved for those again.

They arrived at a basement and Lei was skeptical about it. He thinks that it was just an old,dark and dusty place.

when y/n opened the door,he gasped.

Picture fames hung around. A greyish sofa laid with cushions and quilt blankets.

"From now on,this is our secret place." She winked.

"D-did you do all this? All by yourself?" He scanned the room.

"Y-yeah i hope is to your liking though..."

That's when Lei realised. She did it just for him.



He swooped her by the waist. Their eyes looking deep into each other.

"Thank you." Giving her a small peck on the cheek.

It was more than enough to get her blushing like crazy.


"Take care!" Y/n bade goodbye. Lei got onto his bicycle and soon out of sight.

His mind was still thinking about her.

But something that bothered him was...

What were they now?

He felt extremely sorry and awful. For not saying those 3 words.

"I'm going to confess to her tomorrow."

He stopped for a moment and dug for his phone.

Lei: i have something to tell you. Meet me at the secret place tomorrow:)

Y/n: okiess^~^

The brown haired man smiled in content,praying hard things will go smoothly.

But god had a different plan for him.

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