lei | 類 1/5

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                          The milkboy||牛奶男

*ayoo heres another update,,hope yall can vote so ik if i should continue writin dis ff;0 if dis fanfic flops i'll prob unpublish*

A brown haired young man with pale skin,came to a halt in his bicycle.

"Hello! Your milk is here!"

He unloaded a handful of milk cartons,knocking on every household.

"Good morning Lei!" An old man greeted.

"Good morning sir!" Before passing him a carton of milk.

Lei had been delivering milk to that area frequently,thus the people living there knew him.

He was known as 'the milk boy.'

A teenage boy whom always delivers milk on time,without fail.

It so happened y/n moved in not long ago.

That's how it all started.

Their love story.


The sun soon crept up high into the sky as the rays entered her room. The curtain add an orange glow to the morning light.

A new day has begun.

Y/n yawned,awoken by the knocking on the door.

"Hello. Your mil-"

A young man was revealed infront of her doorstep.

He tilted his head,confused. Never had he seen her before.

"Are you Mr Lee's daughter?"

"Ah no he moved out and we took over this house."

"Nice to meet you. I'm y/n." The girl smiled and bowed politely.

"I'm Lei."

Y/n scanned him head to toe. He was dressed up in plain tee and ripped jeans.

She still couldn't figure out why he came to her house.

"Oh i came to deliver milk. Do you want?" He immediately passed her one.

Totally didn't look like a delivery dude.

"Ahh wait here,i'll get my money."

"Its okay. This one is on me,since you just moved in."

She insisted to pay only to receive continuous rejections.

Y/n felt bad. She needed to do something.

Lei was sweating buckets as he wiped away the droplets on his forehead.

She noticed and pursed her lips.

"You want water or something?" She asked.

"Ah no no its ok-"

Y/n didn't listened and pulled him by his arm,dragging him in.

The young man was startled by her action but decided to follow suit.



Grabbing a bottle of water and towel,i headed back to the living room.

Lei was sitting on the couch,glancing around.

"Here you go."

"T-thanks" he stuttered.

He chugged down the bottle of water hastily,looking nervous.

The atmosphere was awkward until i decided to speak up.

"Aren't you suppose to be studying? You look like a student."

"Ah yes,i work and study at the same time." Lei scratched his head.

Seeing him looking so tense,i just spoke bluntly.

"I'm not gonna eat you up,don't worry." I chuckled.

He lowered his head,speaking even softer.

"Its not that...its my first time..in a girl's house."


Y/n felt her cheeks heated up.

Because she too,first time having a boy in her house.

The two soon were comfortable after a few exchanges,surprisingly they were of the same age.

They got along pretty well.

There was some sort of unexplainable connection between them.

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