ximen | 西門 4/4

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*oof heres the long awaited last chapter:)) swipe to play the music while readin !!*

              My crush defended me||


I woke up feeling a pang of headache as my blurred vision slowly adjusted to the light.

squinting my eyes,i looked around.

"Where am I?"

it was an unfamiliar place.

Blue painted walls surrounded me.

Somehow the vibe of the room felt vibrant

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Somehow the vibe of the room felt vibrant.



Quickly looking down,i heaved a sigh of relief.

My clothes were still on.

The door knob turned as i gulped,backing away warily.

The door swung open,revealing a familiar face.


"You feeling better?"

I nodded and smiled grimly,feeling embarrassed.

"How did you find me?"

"Well...just happened to pass by the convenience store and spotted this drunk girl." he chuckled and sat at the edge of the bed.

I fiddled with my fingers,my cheeks heating up.

"Here,for hangover." He passed me a can of coffee

Dang. I troubled him so much.

"Thanks. For everything." I smiled.

he suddenly looked serious. staring right into my soul.


"No matter what,don't falter away. Never."

I frowned but simply nodded.

what did he mean?


Walking in to school as usual,i tried to act cheerful.

Why do bad things happen just when you least need them?

I could feel pairs of eyes staring at me and students stealing glances.

"She totally looks different..."

"I think she fixed her face."

Pointing fingers and even whisperings.

Were they gossiping about me?

When I entered,all eyes directed to me. The atmosphere fell silent.

It felt strangely tense.

A big group crowded at a table. As if they were watching something.

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