lei | 類 5/5

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The milkboy||牛奶男


As if an electrifying current had ran through me. I started losing control over my body.

Everything feels.


The windows of my eyes constantly blurs up.

Anytime would it spill.


Nothing can compare to.

The pain i'm feeling in my chest.

My heart.

Like a gun was aimed right at my heart.


An alive and pumping heart which kept a piece of him.

shattered instantly into pieces.

And sent crumbing to the ground.

The aching wouldn't stop.

Neither could i undo the fact that...

He was gone.


The devastated girl opened the letter hesitantly,hands shaking.

She didn't have the courage.

But eventually she did.

Because it was his last words.

Dear y/n,

Hello y/n! Its your dear milkboy writing this to you. Maybe when you are reading this,we are already holding hands.

Or even right at this moment,reading it together:)

Yes. This is my confession letter.

Every moment spent with you...its a blessing.

And just wanna say thank you. Ever since you turned up,its like a bright source of light that entered,giving me glimpses of the future.

A great future.

You and me. Together.

I love you. I really do. With all my heart.

Ps: drink that carton of milk okayy:33


It could no longer be contained,tears uncontrollably trickling down.

She balled a fist up her mouth to suppress the crying.

She regretted it. 'if only I' constantly repeats in her mind, wanting to reverse time.

But it was too late.

The future he wanted with her.

She quietly brought up the carton of milk, touching her quivering lips.

Gulping it all down.

It has never tasted so bad before.

But something caught her eyes.

A shimmering and sparkly thing. Inside the carton.

Her hands reached in.

It was a...


A rose gold ring.

It wasn't just any ring.

But a ring carved with his and her initials.

A sudden soft hand grazed against her cheek. The feeling of warmth once again embraces her.

She looked up to see him.


Smiling peacefully.

Without a word, he slipped the ring onto her finger.

Their hands interwind as y/n closed her eyes. 

Oh wait.

It must have been her imagination.

But she didn't care. Regardless whether it was a hallucination or his soul.

All she wanted was to enjoy this final moment. His presence was her greatest comfort.

The girl's eyes fluttered open, only to see she was alone.

But the ring was still attached to her finger.

And with the addition of another milk carton. Placed carefully on the ground next to her.

"Milk boy still doing his job eh?"

He was really here.

*hey guys !! Ty sm for all de reads and comments. Ive been busy and didn have time to complete my final part,,so hoped u enjoyed it !! Ill try my best to keep updating and aso may come up wif a new ff :)*

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