mei zuo | 美作

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"Hey yall !! Sry for not updating,,tbh im strugglin to come out wif ideas oof. Anyways,enjoy this !! Those written in bold are flashbacks.*

Y/n pressed the doorbell. Excited to see him.

That's how she feels. Ever since they started dating.

Her heart still flutters with him in sight.

The young man opened the door,looking expressionless.

"Oh. You're here." was all he could say.

Her boyfriend headed straight to his bedroom.

Not even a 'i missed you.'

Nowadays,he spends more time on the phone than her.

Y/n sat beside him.

He was just looking at his phone.

Did he not notice her?

He did. But chose to ignore her presence.

She is aware.

She knows.

He changed.

She changed too.

The lovely dovey couple feels like strangers now.


Sitting by the edge of the bed,i stared at Mei Zuo.

My hand can't help itself and reaches to caress his soft hair.

"Hmm do you like my hair so much?" He smiled.

"I like your lips more." I giggled.

Mei Zuo gave me a peck as we cuddled.

But he never spared me a glance. not even once.

I can feel the distance growing between us.

I'm trying my best. To mend this gap.

But i feel like he doesn't love me anymore.

That's why he isnt trying.

The Mei Zuo i knew,was cheery and romantic.

The man who had his eyes all over me.

The man who showers me with kisses.

The man who always without fail,

tells me 'i love you.'

"I'm going out for abit." He suddenly got up.

"B-but i just got here." A pang of sadness hit me.

"I need to meet my friend."

"For?" I was evidently not happy now.

"He's going through a hard time."

Again. Excuses.

"Yah you really leaving?" i raised my voice.

"seriously lying again?"

"You could have just told me you wanted to play computer games."

"Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said i was gonna go play games!" He exploded.

Mei Zuo sighed,running his fingers through his hair.

"Can you stop with the same question? Its getting annoying."

"Feng Mei Zuo. Do you not love me anymore?"


That was enough to pull punches at me.

The lingering pain in my heart,as if it had been stabbed.

His back faced me as he spoke coldly.

"lets talk about this later."


My phone vibrated as i checked the notification.

Ximen: bro leggo play LOL. Meet u @ usual place:)

Aish. Y/n is gonna nag again. Just like always.

Its so damn annoying.

I climbed out of bed: " I'm going out for abit."

"B-but i just got here."

"I need to meet my friend."

"Seriously lying again?"

What does she want now?

"Feng Mei Zuo. Do you not love me anymore?"

"I promise to love y/n forever! With all my heart."

Her glossed hazel eyes looked into mine.

Searching for an answer.

Its not that i don't love you,

I need more personal time.

But affection overtime.

Slowly fades away isn't it?

Just like the two of us.

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