ximen | 西門 1/4

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My crush defended me||1/4


"Ring!" The bell screamed. Classroom doors burst open as the quiet atmosphere turned into a bustling market.

Students ran down the hallway happily,meeting their friends before leaving.

I undo my hair as it fell gently on my shoulder. The light reflecting against my brown hair.

Then i grabbed my bag,stuffing the books in sloppily,zooming out of classroom

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Then i grabbed my bag,stuffing the books in sloppily,zooming out of classroom.

"Bye y/n !" I was greeted by some classmates along the hallway.

Digging into the jacket's front pocket,i fished out my phone.

"So many notifications?" I frowned.


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@ximen01 commented: prettyy😍
@hongli commented: babbeee

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Scrolling through the comments,my mouth curled up.

I didn't know my classmates were so nice. Yeah and honestly...feels great to be acknowledge by so many people.

Hope everything can stay like this.

"I don't want to be the old me again..." i muttered softly.

"What old you?" A voice whispered in my ear,sending chills down my spine.

"Ximen?" I covered my mouth in shock.

Our eyes made contact and that left me flustered.

My heart rate increased every second as i looked around,not knowing how to react.

"Why's your face so red?" He poked my cheek.

That got even worse.

I hiccupped.

"Ahh...the whether is hot...hehehe..." I fanned myself continuously before chugging down some water.

Immediately,i tried to change the topic.

"So um what's your plan later?"

"...nothing i guess" he shrugged.

I nodded my head,mouth forming an "O"

Here's my chance to take an initative.

Gathering my courage,i smiled and asked.

"Wanna catch a movie?"


The bright light instantly dimmed down,turning the cinema into complete darkness.

The blank screen lighted up as it started playing the movie.

The cinema fall into silence. Nothing could be heard.

I gulped hard seeing the bunch of people walking down the escalator. Cautiously.

My hands were shaking. What will happen to them?

Soon they saw what awaits them. Like a whole colony of ants,the zombies roared and charged at the people.

 Like a whole colony of ants,the zombies roared and charged at the people

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The room was filled with terror of screamings. As everyone tried to escape.

It came so sudden making me flinch back. I immediately hid behind Ximen,blocking the screen out of my view.

Too. Scary.

He chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

It caught me off guard but i was so frightened it didn't matter much.

"Someone said she was brave..." he whispered mockingly.

I punched him softly,feeling embarrassed.

Somehow being in his embrace felt warm. And comforting.


A sense of relieve overwhelmed me as the lights turned on. Everybody got up and started leaving.

"You owe me one." He shove his hands into the jacket.

"Whaa-" i stopped. Did he meant bout that hug?

"I paid those tickets," he flicked my forehead.


"Ohh...okayy,i'll treat you to dinner." I smiled.

We chatted and joked on the way to the mall. But something unexpected happened.

"Oh crap! Im sorry!" I bumped into someone. Her items in the bag scattered on the floor. Immediately i bend down and started picking her thing up.

"You little BIT- wait is that you y/n?" I looked up.

My eyes widened in shock as i stumbled back slightly. My hands trembled,returning her bag. Sweat trickled down my forehead profusely.

"Oh um hello," i gulped,looking down and wiping my sweat away.

"Nice to see you again..." she smirked and suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"My birthday's coming up..." her words struck me hard.

She then walked away smugly.

I stood rooted to the ground,still unable to process what happened.

"Why did she come back?"

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