mei zuo | 美作 3/5

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             Can we be more than friends?|| 朋友


"Hands up if you feeling the vibes now- DING DONG!"

aishh its literally midnight..who could it be? plus its raining heavily.

I scratched my head and walked sluggishly to open the door.

"EHH Y/N?!"

She was drenched wet head to toe and her eyes were red as though she cried.


"Here,catch it " i casually tossed a towel at her.


I reached into my fridge and grabbed 2 beer cans.
*opens beer can* and sat beside her.


I immediately grabbed the beer and chugged it in one gulp.

"Ahhh...its so bitter..." i swallowed,feeling the burn in my throat.

"So what happened to my dear cousin?" Taeyong slung his arm around my shoulder.

I leaned in,feeling the tear choking me now.

"Because of him?"

I nodded quietly.

"We kissed. He...he's making me confuse. Why didn't he push me away? And its my fault am i gonna face Caina jie now..." i sobbed.

He tightened his grip around my shoulder,ushering me.

"Maybe you should tell him how you feel. And give him a chance. A chance to explain."


"Thanks and sorry for bothering you taeyongie..." i smiled weakly.

"no problem. But have u really decided?"

"Yeah...its for the best..."i looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

"You better not forget about me biatch," he raised a brow. I chuckled and bade goodbye.


While walking home,i checked my phone.

Voicemail from Mei Zuo❣️:

My vision blurred again as i played the voicemail.

"Y/n please give me a call...let's meet up okay? I know you need some time but...i'm gonna make things right..."

Its wrong. From the beginning. The start.



"Caina...i need to tell you something."


She turned away without looking back.

"BOOM!" The thunder roared as it started pouring heavily. It struck me that Y/N didn't have an umbrella.

This silly girl...she's gonna get sick!

I grabbed an umbrella and ran after her. There she stood.

She was caught in the rain yet not running to seek shelter. I could hear gasping wails. With heavy footsteps,her figure disappeared from my sight. Farther and farther.

The coward me couldn't even confess how i felt.

What a man i am...

All i did was watch the woman i loved,walked away. Heartbroken.

But this time,i swear to make things right.

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