christmas special:

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*eyy guyS !! So its december and ye boii,,CHRISTMAS. I juz happened to have an inspiration and dis imagine includes all F4 members. Again,,vote if yall enjoy !!*

The girl slung back on her couch,staring out at the window.

It was the sight of street shops crowded with people. But what caught her eyes were the festive lights.

She sighed,the thought that christmas was a couple days away.

"Right...i'm alone..." she laughed bitterly.

Y/n remembered the days with her parents. Decorating christmas tree,singing carols,digging into turkey.

Even the day when she sat on her father's shoulder,reaching up for the highest end of the tree.

Completing that christmas tree.

The star.

Shinning bright right on top.

That was her first christmas.

But ever since they passed away,the tree was covered in dust,kept away in the attics.

As though the word 'Christmas' was erased from her life.

"If santa was real,i would probably be celebrating Christmas..." the girl shook her head.

It was silly to think the white beard old man,dressed in red actually exist.

She was knocked out of her thoughts when the bell rang.

A young man was revealed standing outside her doorstep.

A young man was revealed standing outside her doorstep

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"Hey neighbour." He waved.

She gasped and immediately pulled him into a hug.

"Ahh you're gonna break my back," he chuckled.

It was Ximen. Her neighbour.

In times of trouble,she was there to help.

Every time she needed something,his house has it all.

To y/n,he was more than a neighbour. A close friend.

He was the one she could rely on.



"Geez,this place still looks boring and plain." Ximen remarked.

"At least i have a roof over my head." Placing a cup of tea on the table.

"So how's Australia?"

Ximen yawned and shook his head,leaning back.

He was there for a week. Not on his own accord but his father's will.

"7 women for a week?" I teased.

"More than that," he smirked.

I looked at him in disgust,such a womaniser.

"Anyways,i need to borrow your tree." He clasped his hands together.


"Christmas tree."

I felt a little shaken upon the mention of it but plastered a fake smile.

I heaved a sigh of relieve and wiped the trickling sweat down my forehead.

Sure its a big ass tree.

It was covered in dust. Slightly looking dull and old.

"But why do you need it?"

"Obviously for christmas." He frowned.

"Okay okay. Take your tree and go!" I pushed him out.

"Wai-wait!" A card invitation was given to me.

My brows knitted as i opened it.

You are invited to Ximen's Christmas Party

Ximending Hotel

Room 202

Please bring a present for gift exchange.

Hell if he actually made this many people did he invite?

"Make sure to come!" He winked.

Is this Santa's gift to me?

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