daoming si | 道明寺 2/5

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Loud torturing screams could be heard as a young girl stumbled of the house.

Her cheeks were red,arms covered in scars.

"You little bitch! COME BACK HERE!" A man yelled.

Y/n trembled in fear and ran away. Barefooted.

The poor girl was constantly abused by her good for nothing father.

Every single day.

But there's nothing she could do.

Y/n found herself outside a huge mansionette.

She pulled down her sweater to cover the scars and rang the bell.

A young boy walked out.

His expression was immediately replaced with a frown as he rushed over to her.

"What happened?" He noticed she was barefooted.

"Did you cry?" Looking at her tear stained face.

"Ahh my slippers broke while i was walking here." She faked an excuse.

Knowing her boyfriend's temper,things will go out of hand.


She sipped the hot tea,feeling warmed up.

Glancing over at Si whom was on his phone,she walked to him.

Hugging him tightly.

He looked shock at her sudden action but slowly hugged her back.

"Let's stay awhile like this." She said,closing her eyes.

The only place she could seek comfort was there.

In his embrace.


"I'll send you home." He smiled,caressing her hair softly.

Y/n nodded hesitantly.

She was afraid.

Si held her hand as they walked down the quiet street.

"If there's anything or anyone bothering you,tell me okay?" Si looked at her.

She felt assured knowing her boyfriend was someone she could rely on.

"I love you." Y/n smiled.

"Me too."


Standing outside her house,they bade goodbye.

Y/n watched as Si disappeared out of sight.

She gripped the door knob tightly,feeling her heart pounding rapidly.

The door creaked open,revealing a middle age man.

He laid on the couch unconscious,with the television on.

The whole living room reeked the smell of alcohol.

She tip toed quietly. Like a mouse.

Not even breath.

The girl glanced at him wearily,making sure not to wake him up.

All of a sudden.

Her eyes widened,breaths ragged and harsh.

The deep voice she heard paralysed her.

The image of being abused replays in her mind.

"Where do you think you're going?"

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