mei zuo | 美作 2/5

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Can we be more than friends?||朋友

"Here i am..." i sighed. Standing right infront of the huge mansion made me feel small and intimidated. Somehow like jack and the beanstalk.


At the cafe:

"Please be my tutor! im failing math so badly.." Mei Zuo begged.

"I can-"

Before i even finished,i was cut off.

"Okay thanks! See ya at my house tomorrow!" He winked.


"Should i go in? Aishh!!" I muttered,pacing up and down.

All of a suddenly,the gates swung open.


my legs were wobbling as i took tiny steps.


As i walked through the hallway,there were pictures of Mei Zuo hung up. "Cute.." i smiled.

Finally what seemed like eternity,i found his room. Here we go...

i quickly adjusted my hair and outfit,making sure i looked fine.

Right before i knocked,it opened.



"You look gorgeous..." his jaw dropped while eyeing me head to toe.

"Shuddap" i pushed his face away before entering.

I was screaming so hard on the inside.

We settled down and took out the neccessary materials.

We settled down and took out the neccessary materials

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Time skip

"Okay so, to draw the graph we will need the equation. Basically ax+bx+..."

I stopped immediately upon turning to see him.

Not even an hour and he fell asleep.

Not even an hour and he fell asleep

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His head rested comfortably on the table as he snored lightly. The setting sun shone brightly against Mei Zuo's face,making his complexion glow.

I laid my head down and stared at him.

"You really sleep like a baby..." i whispered and caress his hair.

Looking at him just gives me the feeling of... happiness.

"For 6 long years...i've been waiting for you..but i shouldn't come between Caina jie and you..." i sighed.

Before i could even get up to leave,he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. Half of our face laid against the table and i was facing him. My cheeks blushed red as i froze there.

The intense eye contact we made can't help but make me inch closer to him.

Slowly,he closed in too.

His lips brushed against mine as i closed my eyes. His hands drifted to my waist and pulled my close. The world fell away. It felt so good yet so...wrong. I didn't know it felt so warm.

My first kiss.

When we pulled away,i realised what i did. Sudden emotions of guilt and confusion engulfed me. I felt like a slut. A wrecker.

"If you loved Caina Jie...why did you do that..." i bit my lower lips trying to hold my tears back in.


"Stop confusing me..." i stood up and walked away.

Unable to hold the wall any longer,tears spilled down my face

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Unable to hold the wall any longer,tears spilled down my face. I buried my face into my trembling hands.

What have i done...

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