lei | 類

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                           小提琴| the violin

*when i give the cue,swipe and play the music:) *


"Crapp i forgot to return the tuner to lei,i better pass it back now!!!" I ran to the music room.

Upon hearing something,i halted my steps and approached slowly. From a distance,a beautiful yet soothing music was played.

As i closed in,i realised it was lei.

I smiled and stared at him: " He's so mesmerising..."

Regardless of whatever he was doing,it never failed to make my heart go wild...

His golden brown hair reflected upon the light as he played elegantly. The fair looking man tilted his head,revealing defined jawline and plum lips,with a touch of sparkly eyes.

*play the music above^ *

I stood there and closed my eyes,enjoying the classical piece. The piece titled < The four seasons > was often played in my childhood. I was a crybaby and when my parents played this song,i stopped crying. " feels like i'm back in time..." i took a breath.

After the song ended,i opened my eyes. I jumped slightly seeing who was right infront of me. Our faces were just inches apart. Lei suddenly closed in,making our noses touch. "L..lei.." i stuttered,feeling butterflies in my stomach. "Why are you blushing? " he whispered sending chills down my spine.

I pushed him back slightly,trying to act normal. "Ahem...i uhh this !" I threw it at him. "Your tuner...th..thanks!" With that i quickly ran off.

"Y/n wait."

"aishh..." i muttered,turning around trying to keep my cool.

"Meet me here after school." He winked before walking away.

I stood still breathing heavily as my heart raced.


As Huaze Lei walked into the music room,he chuckled.

" she's cute..."

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