daoming si | 道明寺 3/5

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Not long after we separated,i halted in my steps.

She definitely acted weird today. Just.

Out of focus.

Fishing out the silver chain from my pocket, i smiled.

A heart locket necklace.

Y/n's birthday was coming up so i wanted to surprise her.

"Maybe i should give her now?" I looked back.

Her house wasn't that far away.

This might cheer her up too.

With light footsteps,i made my way back to her house.

Every step nearing the house,muffled noises could be heard.

Closing in,those muffled noises became clear.

It was screams.

Of a girl.

Y/n was in danger!

My reflexes acted immediately,trying to open the door.

It wouldn't budge.

Left with no choice,my body came in direct contact with the door.

I banged it down.

The sight of y/n laying on the floor,bruised up.

As punches and kicks were given to her.

The pain shot up through my body but holding it,i quickly rushed over.

"STOP!" I shouted.

But it was no use.

Her father's strength was way beyond mine.

That strong punch made me stumbled back,hitting my head against the wall.

I felt so weak.


"SI!" She screamed in agony.

Her eyes were teary as she watched me collapse.

And i too,had to watch her get yelped by her hair.


With last bit of strength left in me,i grabbed old man's leg,making him trip.

This was how everything went wrong.

Y/n stood up.

Her eyes were different.

It was filled with revenge and hatred.

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