mei zuo | 美作 5/5

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           Can we be more than friends? ||朋友

*srry for de dragg but here it is !! Wrap up:) agn i have a song so u can play and read LOL*


"Dear passengers,we will be landing in 10 minutes. Thank you."

I glanced over to the sleepyhead laying on my shoulder,thinking how i should wake him up.

"Kekeke..." a mischievous idea crept up my mind.

"AHH WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" I shouted in his ear.

"OH MY GOD IM STILL YOUNG!" His eye shot wide open and jumped out of his seat.

He looked around but everything was normal.

Immediately heaving a sigh of relief.

He's face heats up in embarrassment upon realising other passengers were staring at him. Thus,the startled boy immediately settled down.

I can't help but laugh and accidentally choked on my saliva...

*cough cough* " ahh that was funny..."


I took off my shades,breathing in the clean air of Sydney.

The soft breeze swept my tousled hair and its coldness rouses me to wakefulness. Trees around rustled as the loose leaves were sent on a roller coaster ride.

I took out my map and unfolded it. Squinting my eyes as i tried to find the nearest hotel.

"Geez...this map is way too big," i scratched my head.

Mei Zuo popped his head in beside me and chuckled.

"I've already booked an airbnb home," he smirked proudly pointing at his phone.

WhaTT i juz wasted my time trying to find a HOTEL.

"Yeah okay genius," raising my hands in the air,admitting defeat.


I stood outside the tall luxurious looking building,scanning it quickly

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I stood outside the tall luxurious looking building,scanning it quickly.

"Holy looks like a hotel..." my mouth agape.

Mei Zuo hit the back of my head,bringing me back to reality.

"You can spend the night here. Outside~" he waved and dragged the luggage along. I immediately followed behind him.

The door unlock instantly with just a punch of numbers in. The door swung open,revealing a cozy yet minimalistic house.

 The door swung open,revealing a cozy yet minimalistic house

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