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This place is like a dream come true, if you love shopping for different things. If you like shopping in general.

I hate shopping. I think my XY chromosome prevailed on that. I can do groceries, sure, but actual shopping for things and not's not in my forte.

Lao is having the time of his life, though. We have been looking around this flea market for close to one hour now. He looks a little different now that he is wearing a green shirt with a 3/4 sleeves and jeans and sneakers. Different from his usual formal attire of suits while working for the Prince. He also forgone applying gel on his hair. Lao let his black locks just wave in his head.

And seeing him happily checking stalls of goods and different items is a joy itself. Hearing him haggle to bring down prices of items is fun too.

"I will buy five pieces, but please give me a discount. My friend and I came from Beijing...all the way from Beijing. Please..." Lao negotiated with the stallkeeper.

"Okay...I will cut down the price." The stallkeeper, a middle aged man, nodded at Lao.

"Thank you, Sir! You are so kind," Lao turned to me. "Say thank you too," he elbowed me.

"Why? We are still paying for his goods, we are not robbing him." I argued. Why do I have to thank the stallkeeper, he is not doing me any favor?

Lao glared at me. I sighed and bowed to the stallkeeper, "Thank you, Sir."

"Hmmm," the stallkeeper gave me a stinky eyed looks while putting the items Lao bought in a paper bag. Like he doesn't like me.

"Be polite," Lao said while we are walking to the next stall. "I got some discounts from him..."

"Why do you need that many pincushion anyway?" That's the item Lao bought on that stall.

"I will give one to Dayu, one to Baozang and another to my Uncle." Lao said. "Look! Let's go there," he pulled me to another stall. This one has nail clippers, rubber bands, little screwdrivers etc, being sold.

"I will need new nail clippers, oh look it's quite cheap." Lao inspect the prices of the goods in this store.

"Maybe it's cheap because it's not up to the standard..." I said.

"Ah no, Sir." The lady manning the store chimed in. "We are selling them in a much lower price because we are from this town. It doesn't cost us to take the products here."

"That is right, travel cost is the main reason why some product are so costly. Plus brand name. But truly, they are all the same, right Ma'am." Lao said.

"That is true, Sir." The lady and Lao smile at each other, having a moment of total understanding between them.

Oh boy...

"I will buy this, this and oh, staples! I will need two boxes of this." Lao reached for all the items he wants to buy. At this rate, he will spend too much before we are done.

"Are you thirsty?" I asked Lao.

"Yes," Lao nodded as the lady calculates Lao's purchase.

"Then let's take a break from shopping and find some food stalls." I suggested.

"Okay," Lao nodded before he turned back to pay.

Once his items were paid and handed to Lao we walked to search for something to drink. We were about to turn on a corner when I felt it, a presence following us. Watching us. I stopped and look around.

"Why?" Lao who noticed that I stopped walking asked.

"Nothing," I shook my head as I surveyed the market. There's a lot of people mingling around. I see no one paying attention to us. But I know what I felt. I know someone is watching us.

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