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Baozang and I stood together inside the sound room of the theater as Qing frowned at us while my husband's arms are crossed on his chest. My husband still has his formal working clothes on. And his face conveyed that he is not please about something.

I can guess what is displeasing him but I think Qing will not appreciate my brand of humor right now.

"I should have known that you will have a hand in this," my husband said while scowling at my sister in law. "Did you really have to encourage every idea Dayu have?"

Baozang shrugged, "Only his good ideas. And this is a good idea my brother of mine."

"How is facing a group of haters be a good idea?" My Prince asked, bafflement on his tone. He frowned at me. "Won't you answer that question?"

I stood straighter, "Oh, is that question for me?" It caught me off guard. "Ahm..." I rack my brain for any reason to say.

"Dayu ah...can't you abandon this thing?" Qing walked closer to put his hands on my shoulder. "This is a ridiculous idea..."

"Why?" I tilted my head to look at him. "Why is this a bad idea?"

"Because those people hates you..."

"Why do they hate me?" I asked Qing. "I want to know..."

"Why do you need to know?" Chong frowned at me. The whole gang is here. Well...not the whole gang as our parents and the Queen Dowager are absent and that's a good thing in my opinion.

"People don't like you because of various reasons. They are joining a bandwagon, they dislike the way you look or dress up, the way you speak, the fact that you were a commoner, the fact that you are married to me...etc etc..." Qing sighed. "The reason doesn't matter, they can continue hating you for all we care. You don't have to do this."

"Oh so they can hate me for all we care but once you saw a mean comment online, you put people to investigate and sue. Is that your way of not caring? Because that is caring a lot, Wang Qing. If you are putting efforts to sue people around..."

Qing's frown deepened, "So you are doing this for me to stop suing people around?"

I nodded, "And for Chong to stop tackling people on the ground and pointing guns at them. Stop protecting me from haters posting mean comments online or saying nasty slurs at me. Stop protecting me from hecklers shouting hateful things on me. I can take them. I can endure it. This will show everyone that it will take more than mean comments to down me. And I want to show that to you and to Chong more than my haters downstairs."

"Ah you want to show everyone that you are one tough badass," Chong chuckled mockingly. "I get it now..."

I glared at my bodyguard, "What is it that you get?" I sighed. "I am not acting tough or showing everyone that I am a badass. No one can be as tough as you, Chong. You're a world class jerk. What I am doing is standing for myself. I am telling you both, I can do this on my own. Face my haters on my own. I can defend myself. I don't need you," I put a hand on my husband's chest. "Or Chong, to shield me. Stop showing everyone what a ninny I am. Sure, I might not be as powerful as you, my Prince, or as tough as Chong but I can defend myself. I know Taekwondo."

Qing gave me sad look, "I just don't think you deserve anyone's animosity, Dayu ah. You don't deserve to be hated. Or be exposed to their hate,"

Royal Engagement: The Honeymoon ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now