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I am looking forward to this, seeing the Prince finally lay down the rules and put his Consort in his place. Someone to tell Dayu that he couldn't do crazy stunts again like running after criminals or spying on anyone while having dates.

I think its about time that someone told Dayu that there are limits to what our patience can endure. We can overlook most of his craziness, but not everything.

So I am staying here to hear the Prince do that. Tell Dayu that "you can be crazy but only up until here, if you crossed it I will keel you to heel". Or something like that.

Lao sighed besides me. I don't know what his problem is but Lao won't make me budge until I hear the Prince give his Consort a full lecture plus an encore.

"Running after criminals is not what a Prince's Consort should do, Dayu ah." The Prince said in a hard lecturing tone.

"That's right. That's right!" I nodded in agreement, liking what I am hearing so far.

"Those thugs have weapons, they could have hurt you seriously or worse they could have killed you! Did you even think about your safety while running after them? Did you even think?" The Prince asked.

"Correct!" I agreed again.

"Stop it," Lao murmured at me. "You are not helping..."

"I am helping the Prince show Dayu his mistaken ways," I said while squinting at him.

"Oh God please..." Lao moaned and closed his eyes. I let him to his prayers. But someone should tell Lao that while dealing with Dayu's antics, prayers are not the best solution.

An iron fist is needed to keep Dayu in his safe place.

"Did you even think about me while running after those thieves? If something happened to you, what do you think I will feel?" The Prince continued...

"I do! I..." Dayu stopped before sighing and bowing his head down. I didn't buy his show of docileness, I continued to scowl at the Consort, like what the Prince is doing.

"And why did you let those men put their hands on you? What happened to your karate moves? You are a black belt martial artist..."

"True that!" I once again agreed with the Prince. I heard more sighing from Lao.

Dayu blushes. "I was caught by surprise. There are five of them and I was hit when that guy swung his fist..." he winces before looking up to his Royal husband with soft begging stares. "Qing...stop being mad..."

The Prince glared at his Consort some more. "I am not simply mad. I got terrified for you!"

"I'm sorry," Dayu started scratching his thighs but I doubt if they are itchy. He does it because he is getting nervous. Good, Dayu should be nervous because he went too far this time. He riskes his own safety in the bad way. "I won't do it again..."

"You will not do it again, you are right." The Prince nodded. "Because if you do it again, I will really lock you up in a tower, my Love. And no one will ever see you again...aside from me..."

"That's right! You should also tell him about..."

"Come here," the Prince said before opening his arms. Dayu smiled and jumped from sitting on the bed to his Prince's arms.

And then they hug and kiss.

"Wait! What?! It's over now?" I asked in disbelief.

Royal Engagement: The Honeymoon ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now