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"I hate you!"

Qing and I look at each other when we heard the main door of the Prince's Pavilion opening and loud steps were outside. Plus Dayu's angry tone as he said he hates someone.

"Who could it be that he hate?" Qing frowned as he abandoned the paper he is reading. We are working inside the Palace today because the Crown Prince and Consort will have to attend a grand ball tomorrow. We are finalizing details for that ball and the issues the Royal Couple will address when they speak for the event.

Dayu worked outside today though. He attended a meeting for improving educations for girls on rural provinces. Believe it or not, no matter how modern our technology and beliefs are, there are still parts of the world and China where rights of little girls for education are being stifled.

Dayu attended that forum and now he is coming back shouting that he hates someone.

Qing stood from sitting in at the back of his desk to move around it and walk towards the office door, I followed my Prince to see what is going on with the Consort.

"I hate you!" We found Dayu in the living room, shouting again at his bodyguard, Chong. Chong who seems relaxed as his Consort stared at him balefully.

Qing and I walked to get closer to them. My Prince sighed, "What is going on now?" He asked with worry on his eyes for his Consort and a frown on his husband's bodyguard.

"He!" Dayu raised a finger to point at Chong. "Pushed someone and pointed a gun at the poor man."

"Poor man? He was about to attack you," Chong answered while arching one aristocratic looking eyebrow. "I just did my job, dear Consort."

"You did it...with too much force." Dayu put his hands on the sides of his waist. "What will the public and press say now? That I have a forceful bodyguard that is too strong for no apparent reason? They will criticize you!"

"Are you worried about my image now?" Chong inclined his head on the side. "Dayu ah...I didn't know you care about me this much," he smirked at Dayu.

Dayu gasped in indignation. "I will end your miserable life," he growled at his bodyguard.

I moaned in dismay while Qing had enough. We know because the Prince said...

"Enough!" Qing get between his Consort and Dayu's bodyguard. "Explain what is going on? From the top. What happened, Love?"

Dayu sighed and bit his lower lip, "Well, everything on that forum is going well. I was there, being all charming in my Armani suit...thank you so much for this, by the way..." the Consort paused his explanation to tiptoe and give Qing a kiss on the one corner of the Crown Prince's lips. Dayu smiled at Qing as well, "I love the suit, the material is so soft and so comfortable to wear..."

"That is great, Love." Qing smiled back at Dayu and put an arm around his Consort's shoulder. "But you are explaning why you hate Chong," the Prince reminded Dayu.

"Oh right! So I was there, having a blast while talking to other people on this important forum and the press when someone..."

"Someone obnoxious," Chong interceded to add that bit.

Dayu glared at his bodyguard, "The man might be a little opinionated..."

"He called you a pillow biter and a sissy," Chong said.

The change on Qing's eyes are automatic. "Someone insulted my Consort?" The Prince asked in a dark and dangerous tone.

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