6 🌸 Innocent Love🌸

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Since it was weekend, Jungkook still in his bed, and Mrs. Jeon just returned from her night shift, she went straight away to her room. You felt relief that she didn't went to his room to check on him, and somehow you couldn't understand why it would even care you if she would do it.

Yes, you cared about this woman, she was nice and kind, you didn't wanted to see her sad or hurt, because that would it exactly be if she would've seen her son.
With a sigh you pressed your knees closer to your body and rested your head on it.

Nothing as useless and meaningless things would hit in your mind, just random things. But one thought had hit suddenly in your mind, one that thought that would make you blood boil up, and let the anger grow in within you. Throwing your upper body back on the bed, you tried to push the thought aside. It would only hurt you if you dig deeper in your memories, one of the most painful ones.

Rolling on your stomach you took your phone from the nightstand and dialed a number. Waiting for the one on the other line, you chewed on you lip and looked at your nails."Heeey Y/N, why are you calling so early?" Climbed the melodic voice of Jin in your ear." As if you had something to do anyways." You spat irritated at him and rolled again on your back.

"You know what, you are right. So what are you doing?" Asked Jin through his sigh in defeat." Nothing much, do you want to go in the forest and get some breakfast?" You offered and ears a laugh from Jin. Confused you stared at the ceiling but then get along with Jin and laughed at your words.

"Sure, lets meet in...uhm.. 10 minutes?" Jin suggest and you agreed. Hunting up the call with a short bye, you get up and changed your cloths. Stepping out the room you was about to go downstairs, but the feeling to have a check on Jungkook stopped you. Rolling your eyes at yourself you turned around to his door and whispered to yourself." Why I'm like this, he get himself into it. Urgh."

Slowly you opened his door and peeked your head inside. You saw only his face and chest that was raising while sleeping peacefully. Again you closed the door and went then downstairs." See, I didn't had to check on him, he is perfectly fine." Again you mumbled under your breath.


"Ready to get some breakfast?" Giggled Jin once you reached the forest. With a smile on your lips you passed by him but managed to slap him on his arm."Shut up, how should I call it then?" The both of you walked deeper inside and Jin giggled once again." I don't know, what about just to say lets go fo the forest, I think it would be enough fo me to get what you want to say, dear."

" One more word and I choke you." You threated him seriously looking at him. But the both of you knew that it was just a joke, anyway it wouldn't bring something.
"Yeah that was smart Y/N, threat a vampire to choke him." Jin giggled and shook his head what makes you slap him on the back of his head slightly. The giggles and chuckles from the both of you filled the silence in the huge forest.

"Wait." You hold your palm at Jins chest preventing him from walking further." What?" He whispered and looked around."There." You said seriously pointing at a bush. Jin sharped his eyes to get a better look, but that didn't helped him at all. Looking at you he raised his eyebrow and whispered again." I don't see anything what is it there?"

You tried your beat to hold your laugh back." Your humor, you lost it." Smiling widely and cheekily you earned a death glare from Jin but you just shrugged your shoulders and walked further and deeper inside.

"Wait, right there." You blurted suprised yet whimpered out. Jin groaned and spat." What? What did I lost this time?" He titled his head and looked at you blankly." No, right there look, there is a deer." Jin shoot his head to the direction you was pointing and his eyes lit up. The red color appeared in his eyes, taking over the brownish color that was in them before. His fangs grew within a secound.

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