20 🌸 The right time, right person🌸

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Jungkook stepped a little back when his eyebrows frowned and his glued on your red ones. He couldn't understand what was going on and how you suddenly changed your eye color." Is it a trick or something?" He asked, his hand left hour side before he placed it on his hip.

It was hard to understand for him what was going on ahead of him. The ice blue eyes in which he would like to drown everytime when he looked at them, were suddenly red, bright red. Your gaze somewhat conflicted as you tried to hide your eyes, you would run away just to be not confronted with all of this, but there was no way. It was kot a thing that he would forget that fast.

You still tasted his soft blood on your lips when you licked them. The desire for more climes through your vines and you couldn't help but wanted to give in, wanted to taste a little more of his blood.
"Jungkook, leave please." You breathed heavily out when you fought against you desire for his red liquid.

"What? No, tell me what is going on." Jungkook reached to your chin and forced you to look at him. He hoped that there would be again the ocean blue eyes that he adored that much, but he was wrong and his hope shattered in million pieces when the fear suddenly hit in his ches, when you took his hand and switched the positions pressing him against the wall. The redness in your eyes became even brighter and your fangs appeared.

If you wouldn't get out off there, you would commit a mistake, a big mistake that you would regret your whole long life.
"I told you to leave so do it." Jungkook was frozen, he still couldn't belive what was happened, where did your beautiful eye color went and how was it possible that you had red eyes. A little did he know, these questions, he could answer it by his own when he saw your fangs.

Although you was dangerously close to him, and at first he was afraid, but somehow, his fear vanished. No longer afraid he then stated." I won'teave you."
Suprised by his words, your heart skipped a beat. He saw the other side of yourself, he saw that you was not an normal human being, yet he didn't want to leave you.

You grip around his upper arm loosened and you dropped it beside your body. The redness in your eyes, it vanished a little by little although you felt still the lust for his blood, pulsing in your vines.

" I'm not gonna leave you."


" I'm not gonna to do that." Jimin chimmed shaking his head to the sides. " come on Jimin, tell me who is this girl." Jimin was asked the whole time by his other member who you were. Interesting in you, and how you was connected fo Jungkook, they wanted to know a little hot more. Impressed by the scene that they saw when you protected Jungkook and how you commanded him that you will drive his bike, they never would belive it when someone would tell them that.

"I'm not gonna to do that, I dont even know that by my own really. I only now that she is a student in the uni where Jungkook Taehyung and I are going and that she lives at his place." Chimmed Jimin and dropped himself on a chair.

"Living at Jungkooks place?" Aksed one of the member suprised but with a smirk on his face. Jimin only nood his head. He was not going to lie, he also was impressed of the sight, but more about Jungkook when he let you command him around and jumped on his Motorcycle like a good boy.

It was cleare to sense that there was something more beside the things Jungkook.had told him, he saw the sparkle in Jis frie d eyes when he looked at you. The small smile that creeped at his lips when you walked last by them with your Jin and just pretend like you wouldn't notice the guys. He saw everything, but couldn't help and smiled at these. For the first time he felt his heart at ease that someone might make Jungkook happy.

"So, Y/N is living at Jungkooks place?" Suddenly Namjoons voice sounded fro. Behind making Jimin starteld. Not only Jungkook had a bad feeling about those three guys, but also Jimin sensed something fishy about them. He saw just the same scene like Jungkook in the college infront of the front doors. He saw your palms turning into fists, and also when you was talking to Hoseok how angry you seemed to be.

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