14🌸 Time to talk?🌸

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After the classes you trashed fast to Jungkooks place. His mother was not at home as you didn't saw her car in the garage. You assumed she must've been still at work and head to your room. Throwing your bag at the bed you pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed your mums number. Waiting for her to pick up your call you get worried. At first the guys appeared here and now is your mother not picking up her phone.

You tried it few more times but still nothing. You give up and sit on the edge of the bed looking at the screen of your phone. With thoughts by your mum you flipped your phone in your hand. Was something happen to her? Is she maybe driving and can't pick up the call? Is she on the way back home?

You could find your rest and stood up walking up and down in your room. Suddenly you heard how the front door closed and went out to see who it was. Mrs. Jeon smiled kindly at you as she greeted you and took her shoes out." Hey dear, how was your day?" She asked when you get down the stairs." Hello, its so far okay, and yours?" You helped her out off her jacket and hold it then in your hands when she turned around and smiled again at you." Your mother raised sich a nice girl up. My day is okay dear, a little stressful but it's how work is."

You two went to the kitchen together after you hung her jacke at the hanger. Mrs Jeon was about to get some vegetables out of the fridge when you asked her." Uhm, auntie... did my mum perhaps called you these days?" Jungkooks mother raised her head at you and blinked at you with a nood." Yeah she did this morning, why?" Relief you breathed out and smiled at her wide." No, it's okay I just can't reach her her phone that's all."

Mrs Jeon stood straight while holding into the fridge door and assured you." You don't have to worry dear, she's fine. She told me that she couldn't call you yesterday but she is okay." You nood at her and offered your help which she took with pleasure.

During cooking you talked a lot and the most time about her and your mother. You felt like your mum was there, Jungkooks mother was in a lot of things Similar to her. The way she told you how they met, the excitement in her voice and the smell of her emotions, let you know that this woman was sincerely happy to have a friend like your mother.

Smiling at the story that you heard maybe around thousands time, you thought about how nice it would be to have a friend beside Jin. But you knew you couldn't make any friends since you were just tired of the lies that you would bring up. You didn't wanted to lie anymore, so it was easy for you to stay from everyone okay. For your and the peoples sake.

"Jungkook is again with his gang?" Suddenly she asked looking out the window sadly when she didn't saw there the motorcycle of her son. "No, I didn't saw him today a lot." You answerd and then it hit you. You only saw him in the morning, he wasn't at the classes and after you didn't saw him either.

" When will he grow up already and leave this gang." Muttered his mother under her breath and continued to cut the vegetables. That was a good question, although you didn't know anything about Jungkook, yet you could say that the gang wasn't the place where he belong too. You saw somehow that he was meant for what better, for something more then just to fight and act like this.

"Since when is he in the gang?" You asked curiously getting interested to figure something more about Jungkook. Mrs. Jeon stopped her moves and looked at the air while thinking." Around 5 years now, I guess." She snapped her head at you when she answerd. Five years that he is like that, ita a long time to get used to things that he was doing and seeing.

But why did he joined to the gang? You couldn't make up a thing about that when you asked." And why?" His mother went back to cut the vegetables when she spoke. Her voice became sad and hou regretted to have asked her.

" Taehyung, Jimin, Jason and Jungkook, they are childhood friends since they were around 4 I think. They were always together. And I don't actually know who brought the sudden idiotly idea up to build a gang, but with 14-15 years they started to get into fights with other guys. Jungkook wasn't the sweet carring guy anymore when he started to act like he's doing now."

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