19🌸 Pain,love, jealous and shock🌸

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"Is something wrong?"

You eyed Jungkook before you released yourself out off his arm and stepped closer to Hoseok." You want a talk? Then let's have one." You added and walked past by him before you turned around to Jungkook and stated." Can you please wait for me inside? I'll be soon there."

Jungkook didn't liked the though to let you with Hoseok alone, he ess scared that after that you might push him away from you, yet he had no choice and nood his head before he eyes Hoseok with a blank expression and closed the door.

You walked a little away from the door and stopped as you crossed you arms and looked at Hoseok who approached you." I though you didn't liked him." Hoseok was mad and hurt, it was obviously when he faced you mad and his voice matched his expression perfect.

"Its not your buissnes anymore and it was never. Hoseok just let me alone. You, Namjoon and Yoongi, all of you. Why when I slowly drop the walls around me, you have to show up and remind me why I have even build them?" You chimmed at him angry. That's was the truth. Every time whe you felt like you could get close to Jungkook and let all the feelings just take over you, he have to appear and remind you about the pain what he caused to you.

Hoseok felt a stunning pain in his heart, every word of yours, he couldn't understand why you have been like this, why you have said these. He couldn't help but was still hurt. And whi could blame him, the girl that he loved the whole time and lost because of a horrible mistake, is now the one of someone else but not his.
He knew he have to let go of you, he have to leave you alone, but on the other hand he couldn't, he was to weak to give up on you, too strong was his love for you.

"I'm sorry." He uttered out and lowred his head and continued." I'm sorry for everything, I should protect you back then, I shouldn't have let you go inside, I shouldn't have lie to you. But can't you see that my words are sincerely? Can't you see the honest in my eyes? This time, I'm not gonna let the things to repeat, I want to protect you I don't want to let you suffer and see you hurt. It breaks my heart like it did back then."

A little did you know, he was honestly. But you won't belive him again. A liar will be always a liar. He betrayed you once and he will do it again, you was sure in these words. "You're too late, you had your chance back then to do everything right hoseok, but you didn't took the chance."

You explained calm, you was not into a fight again, you felt like you could talk to him probably and just clear the things. Without to feel the anger in your vines, without to look at him hatered. It should be a normal talk between two adults, between to ex lovers. You was tired of all of these things, just tired and exhausted to fight against him.

"I know what I did was wrong and also I should tell you the truth. Honestly, at first I didnt felt anything for you but then, everytime to when we met, everytime when you smiled or just looked at me lovely, you warmed my heart and I couldn't help but was waiting for our meet up. You was the one who loved me without to know who i was, without to ask anything back, you let me feel precious to someone, to you." Hoseok explained and stepped closer.

He took your hand in his warm paid of hand and looked deeply in your eyes." You don't have a idea how much you mean to me, how much I want to turn back the time and do everything different. Tell you the truth and protect you. But you have to understand me too, I was in between of my family and the one who I love. The whole situation, it conflicted me. I tried to help you, to prevent you from doing a mistake. But I failed obviously, I don't know if you can ever forgive me, and I know that might be not my right to ask for, but I wish you could manage to forgive me sometime."

You didn't push him away, but also didnt usster a single word out. You just listen to him, to the words that seemed to be really sincerely and like begging for you to belive him. But its alway hard to belive someone who lied once, you never know if it's the truth or just a another lie. Qnd if we will be honest, everyone of us was lying In their life, be it a meaningless lie and the biggest, still we did it.

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