23🌸 The Start 🌸

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You layed beside Jungkook and just looked at him how silently he slept. You pulled the strain of hair from his eyes that fall when he alight moved. You couldn't help but giggle when you saw how he chewed something. Placing your arm under your head you keept lokking at him and though about what the future will bring to the both of you.

Knowing that he will get older, while you will stuck forever in your flesh as a 19 years old girl, you get sad and moved oder to him to feel his warmth. You didn't want to deal with the though that one day he will leave your side for ever letting you alone, as long you had the time too, you would appreciate it and share more happy moments with him before this day will appear.

Sighning you rolled on your back and faced the ceiling. You knew that were only dreams but would they fate? Could you really spend his whole life with him? Suddenly popped Namjoon and Yoongi in your mind and your anger appeared. There was no way that you would let them hurt Jungkook, you though they could do with you what ever they want too, but not him.

Once again you turned you head aside to look at Jungkook. He seemed to be so innocent when he was sleeping." Yeah, just like that." He suddenly spoke while sleeping. Your smile fall and you shook your head. Forget it, nothing in ocent at all. You though while moving your eyes at the window and got up. Dressing in short and a shirt, you took your phone and headphones before you went on the roof.

Sitting down you embraced your knees and played a cheerful song to distract yourself from the bad thoughts that were slowly gathering in your mind.


Andrew prepared everything what he needed in your room and looked around smiling alone." I hope she will like it." He spoke to himself and placed his hands on his hips." You know your daughter to bad." Suddenly a manly voice appeared from behind and started Andrew but causing him to turn around." Jin, make any sound next time." Chimmed Andrew and padded his chest.

Jin chucked and went inside of the room." You don't know her, it's no matter what a room what kind of stuff he will have. It wont make the things less worse." Added Jin facing the older men. Andrew sighed and lowred his head while his hands found again his hips." I know but somehow it make me thing that she will like it." He added facing hun with a bitter smile.

"I see..." Jin paused and walked around in the room eyeing the staffs on the shelve before he continued." So for what did you want me to see?" Andrew crossed his arms and inhale deeply." Why you didn't told me that The werewolf guys are again after Y/N?"

Jin, who was tracing with his fingers over some books, stopped his moves and turned his head aside." Because I'm with her and I can protect her. Anyway, you know that she don't want to see you." Although these words hurted Andrew but he knew it was the truth. Andrew liked the guy because he was straight forward and wouldn't lie at all.

Even if he asked him to have an eye on his daughter but ge knew that there will be things that wouldn't get to him. Still he trusted Jin and knew that this guy would take good care of his some time wild daughter. "Sorry for these words, but you know that better then me." Added Jin once again and Andrew much smiled weakly and lowred his head.

"I know. But this time I don't care if she want that or not, I'll protect her." Jin was surprised and looked at him with wide eyes." Mr. Kim you know that she wouldn't let you do this, she's to stubborn to take any help. And I will be with her." Chimmed Jin stepping closer.

"Jin, this time I don't let it happen that my daughter will pay for the mistakes that I have done. She don't deserve to suffer because of me. She did it once but I won't let her do it twice." Spoke Andrew confident when he faced the younger one seriously. It will be hard, but he knew what he have to do.

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