10🌸 Heart matters🌸

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The whole ride home, Jungkook felt your tiny cold fingers tracing slightly on his shirt and stomach. He felt each time how every muscle tensed under your touch. Although it wasn't on purpose, he got mad with himself. To control people was a completely diffrent and easy thing, but to control his emotions and though? That was an another story.

You on the other hand got uncomfortable as you smelled the change in his emotions. You would pull away from him a little if there wasn't the speed that he fastened even more up. Although nothing would happen to you if you fall, still you chose to handle with it for the moment until you would arrive.

The though that he was maybe just not used to this simple touches hit in your mind not only one time, but also maybe it was because you was the one who touched him and made him uncomfortable. You blamed the reason that he just don't like you and that's why he is acting like this.

However, you didn't wanted to think a lot about the many possibilities that could be, you just preffer to enjoy the ride of the motorcycle. After all when you would get an another chance to have a rid of one?

Jungkook drove around the corner and turned the engine off. You got up and took the helmet of your head handing it him over." Thanks for the ride." You stared and fixed your hair." Don't get used too, it was only one thing." He added after he pulled his head out of his helmet too and ruffled his hair with his hand.

"Oh don't worry I wouldn't." And with that you made your way to the front door." Wait." Jungkook suddenly called out tk make you stop. Again you turned around to him and raised an eyebrow adoring fir qhat he had to say." They guy, the newbie. How did you know each other?"

Sighning heavily out you turned around and chimmed unpleasantly." Like I said, it's not your buissnes." And just like that you entered the house. "Hey dear how was your day?" Greeted Mrs.Jeon walking down the stairs. A warm smile on her lips.

"Hello, it was okay. What about you?" Placing your bag on the ground while taking your shoes off. Just when she was about to answer you Jungkook brust into the house what caused you to fall forward, as the door hit you from behind."I'm Ho- Home." Jungkooks voice trailed off as he saw you on the ground before he laughed out loud." Dear, are you okay? Jungkook can't you be more careful?" Scolled His mum and helped you up." I'm okay nothing serious." You smiled at her before sending a death glare at Jungkook.

"Ups, wait I want to see this scene again, can you repeat it?" He said through his laugh and earned a slap from his mother on his arm. She smiled a little at him although she tried her best to look at him seriously. She smelled somehow relief when she saw her son laughing like this.

The things between the both of them didn't seemed like they were in a good term for a while. However, you just looked at Jungkook blankly and added sarcastically." Sure, why not but let's switch the roles I want to laugh too."
Jungkook shook his head and calmed and little down walking past his mum and you." Nah, I'm fine like this, I think this one time was enough." He walked the stairs up with an idiotic smile on his lips.

"Don't be mad at him, he didn't meant it." His mother padded your shoulder and assured you." Oh no, no I'm fine. I think it's just our way to get along and don't fight." His mother smiled wide at your words and nood her head before she went to the kitchen.

"This guy, have such a luck to have this kind woman as his mother but don't appreciate it, little asshole." You whispered to yourself while walking up the stairs. "Apropos mother... why is my don't calling me." Sitting on the bed you pulled your knees closer to your body and took your phone. Dialing a number you waited for your mother to pick, but she didn't do it. Again and again you tried it, yet still nothing.

Throwing your phone aside on your bed you dropped your body down and started at the ceiling." She's alright, right?" You started to worry and that wont let you rest. Too many things had happened in this morning. Hoseoks sudden appearance and confronting you.

Bite me if you dare! [ Jeon Jungkook FF]✔Where stories live. Discover now