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Jimin has never really been too fond of animals but when he is in his house with an hybrid sitting on his couch he isn't to sure of that.

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Jimin has never really been too fond of animals but when he is in his house with an hybrid sitting on his couch he isn't to sure of that. His best friend just told him he was a hybrid, carefully snatching the anoyingly green beanie off his head as two pair of cat hears pop out of his swiveled hair. Jimin's mouth drops further.

And so Jimin thinks how oblivious could have he been that he didn't notice the tail poking the back of Yoongi's tight jeans, and that pop's out too, and he wants to scream but his troath let's out a small gasp.

Jimin sees the worry of Yoongi's features and he feels awful because he can't really make a coherent sentence right now, he needs to wash his face, maybe sleep, maybe a drink. So he heads out of the livingroom to his bathroom and he splatters watter in his face a couple of times, hoping to get the images of Yoongi's cat ears and- he can't because the older is staring at him through the mirror and he whines as he sees the reflection of the cat tail.

He grimaces at the other before slamming the door, and strips himself out of his clothes, he sets the water to the hottest and only opening the cold until his skin starts to burn under the water. Jimin hears the slight sound of Yoongi's voice over the running water. He sighs know he will have to confront the older sooner or later.

He exhales and grips firmer onto his waist towel as he grips the door handles, twisting it slowly only to find his friend pacing around the corridor.

"Hyung." He mumbles almost inaudible. Yoongi freezes and Jimins sees his ear perk up at the sound of his name almost like a ca- ah right.

"Jimin-ah, I'm sorry if I frightened you but I had all this weight over my shoulders and when I told it just felt so much better and-

"It's okay hyung, I'm not frightened just a little umm surprised" He stuttered almost as a question.

Jimin's eyes fixated on Yoongi's features as he brigthened atomatically making his tail wiggle more than normal, he couldn't take his eyes off that damned tail, where the tail will go Jimin's eyes flicked that way.


Everything was pretty normal, as normal as having a cat hybrid as a roommate could be. Jimin, he started noticing more thing than the ears poking at the sides of Yoongi's head, he noticed the olders lips, how those lips will mold against the water bottle and he felt thirsty at the other's moisten lips, he started gulping more often when around the hybrid.

But there was this particular day that all changed, it was when Yoongi decided to change infront of Jimin, this was a time when gulping was not enough for him to calm down. 
He couldn't help but to stare at the elders thigs as they shuffled inside of the tight pants, Yoongi miraculously putted his shirt backwards and so Jimin being the good friend he was told the older, and placed both of his palms behind his head.

Yoongi sighed and took it off, Jimin just wanted to rip the shirt off or rip all Yoongi's shirts but he couldn't do that, he groans as he watched the other lick his lips in concentration, how those lips would feel around his co- and Jimin wonders when and why did it get like this it, why couldn't it be as before.

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