You Caught Me (But You Know I Love It)

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Jimin preens at the praise and glances away. "Look at me," Yoongi orders, voice low but still carrying a threat. Jimin decides to test his luck and smiles, keeping his eyes focused on the bedsheets beside him. A sharp slap comes down on Jimin's thigh and he jumps with a moan slipping past his lips.

"I won't tell you again,"

-- OR

Jiminie is a total come slut and just wants to be good for his hyung and Yoongi edges him before literally fucking his baby into the mattress

Work Text:


"Hyung!" Jimin yells for the third time as he bangs his fist on the bathroom door. After hearing no response in return, Jimin swore under his breath and stormed over to the couch where he let himself deflate onto it in a dramatic sense. Everyone in the dorm is pretty much used to Hoseok's habit of taking showers for hours at a time, but sometimes it was just a joke and Jimin was already having a bad day to begin with. As soon as he woke up he managed to knock his phone off of the nightstand and crack the screen, then somehow tripped and hurt his leg when trying to pull on some ridiculously tight skinny jeans.

Then, as if things couldn't get any worse, he ruined said jeans after spilling coffee on them and then throwing the mug in a blind rage. So you could say that Jimin's having a bad day. He put it down to the fact that each time he gets some sort of time, whether that be by himself or with Yoongi, it's somehow ruined and he's left with the tension of being so turned on with no way to get off.

It's been exactly 24 days. (He counted)

24 days without getting off. Most of those days, he was so close to starting something, and some were just completely ruined before he had the chance to even begin anything. Yoongi, however, has been too busy to notice. It only infuriated Jimin further as he grumbled something incoherent under his breath with a hand resting on his thigh, itching to get closer but refusing, especially with his roommate, Taehyung sitting just across from him. He was giving his pity look which Jimin tried not to take personally, but it was really starting to infuriate him. "Bad day?" He asks. Jimin snorts. "What's up, Jiminie? Tell Uncle TaeTae," his friend says softly. "You're younger than me, don't call yourself an uncle," Jimin snaps, not caring if he sounded harsh or not. Taehyung however, takes no notice of his attitude and continues. "Is this about Yoongi?" He asks. "Why would he have anything to do with this?" He shoots back as he brings his hands up to pull at his hair in frustration. "Did you have a fight?" He persists as Seokjin makes himself known with a, "what's up, buttercup?" with a light tap to Jimin's nose, to which the younger scowls and pulls away. "I think he and Yoongi had a fight," Taehyung fills in the elder. "We didn't have a fucking fight!" Jimin suddenly yells as he sits up, glaring at them both. Before they had a chance to speak, Hoseok finally exited the bathroom, mumbling something to Jimin, not that he was paying any attention. "Fucking finally," he mutters to himself as he stands up to brush imaginary dirt from his jeans before storming into the bathroom and slamming the door behind him. Ignoring Taehyung and Seokjin's calls of, "it'll all be okay, Jiminie!" and "Whatever happened, I bet he didn't mean it!", Jimin stares his reflection down in the mirror, his glare boring holes into the glass with an insistent heat.

After another coo from outside, Jimin yells at them to leave him alone and was fully ready to yell again when he heard the bathroom door slowly open. Being so focused on his reflection, he hardly noticed that it was Yoongi who had walked in until he sneaked his hands around Jimin's waist and gently turned him around. "You're home early," Jimin murmurs, eyes falling to the ground. "Hey," Yoongi speaks softly as he brings a hand up to Jimin's chin, forcing their eyes to connect. "What's up, petal?" He asks ever so gently. Jimin could melt into his voice, the deepness of it immediately relaxing his tense shoulders. The younger takes a moment to respond, just letting his eyes search Yoongi's face before finally, he opened his mouth to talk. "Nothing," was all he said, which was obviously a lie and they both knew it. "Don't lie to me, Jimin," Yoongi orders deeply, eyes dark as he watches the younger make himself smaller under Yoongi's intense gaze. "Taehyung said you seemed upset," the elder continues, thumbs massaging circles into Jimin's hips. The motion had him relaxing further as he leaned against the counter. "I just- I've had a bad day," Jimin mumbles, avoiding Yoongi's gaze. "'s that all?" Yoongi persists as his grip grows tighter, slender fingers pushing up the fabric of Jimin's thin t-shirt. He just hums in response, silently cursing himself for how sensitive he is over such a small touch. "Tell hyung what happened today," he says as he ever so slightly leans closer. This immediately sends Jimin into overdrive as he begins ranting about how shit his day has been so far, soft touches forgotten. "I broke my phone pretty much as soon as I woke up," he begins. Yoongi hums and says, "hyung will buy you a new one," but the words and their meaning doesn't channel properly as Jimin continues to complain. "That's not the point! I only just got the fucking thing and now it's all cracked! And not only that but get this, I tripped and hurt my leg whilst putting on jeans and then ruined them with coffee. Ended up breaking Seokjin's favourite mug so that's probably gonna get me in trouble too, plus I'm so pent up with frustration, it's like- I try and have time to myself or even with you and it's always ruined and fuck-" He finishes with a deep breath in, panting as his chest rises and falls at a quick pace. Yoongi hums a sound of acknowledgment and continues his gentle thumb movement across Jimin's hips. He leans in closer so that his lips ghost across the younger's neck, making his breathing hitch. "Sounds like Jiminie's had a bad day, hm?" Yoongi asks, breath fanning across Jimin's heated skin. "Y-yes," Jimin stutters, turning his head to give Yoongi better access. "Do you want hyung to make it all better, baby?" Yoongi questions, smirking at the way Jimin tries to hide a soft whine and how it escapes from inside his throat. The younger can only nod. "Use your words, petal," Yoongi says lowly. "Let hyung hear you,"

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