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So since it's our maknae birthday. Here's a vkook oneshot. Hihihi



An innocent game of overwatch turns into something much more fun.
"Until you cum so much that you pass out.."
"Think about that tight cunt wrapped around you.."

Work Text:

One of the things Kim Taehyung had learned to treasure was night time Overwatch tournaments with his best friend. It was something that they didn't get to do as often now. They were always at dance practice or in the recording studio or doing interviews and photo shoots and variety shows... They were always so busy, they couldn't do much more than come home and sleep.
Tonight was one of those rare times when they hadn't had much during the day and got the night off. So he found himself in Jungkook's room, eyes glued to the screen, getting just as worked up at the events as his friend beside him. He had stopped playing himself after a few rounds, finding it just as eventful and fun to watch the maknae play, seeing as he was better than him. The only thing that really mattered to him was spending time with Jungkook. Just hanging out, playing video games, stealing snacks from the kitchen to occassionally bring back to the room, and shouting at the top of their lungs despite their hyungs expressing annoyance at it.
Something had been bothering him though. Recently it had come up that he was the only virgin in BTS. He had no fucking clue how they got on the topic but it wasn't unusual for them to end up discussing the most random ass things on the planet. Everyone else in the group had had sex. And had awesome experiences, even discussed some of the fun things they had done. Even sweet, shy /Jimin/ had had sex. He had just nodded along, pretending to understand. But he couldn't stop thinking about it. He had been waiting to have sex for the right person, but was he just being an idiot? Was he really missing out? And what if he didn't get to wait? So many people now were having stories where they lost their virginity drunk or on drugs, or had it taken from him. What if he lost it to some random person and didn't even remember? Did it matter? Was it even that big of a deal?
So he had finally come to a descision the night before. He was going to lose it to someone who he could guarantee would always care about him in a way he chose. Which lead to him sitting beside Jungkook on a chair he stole from the kitchen, eyes glued to the screen, and blurting out, "How would you feel about taking my virginity?"
It was also at that moment though that one of Jungkook's teammates got sniped and caused Taehyung to nearly jump out of his seat, yelling at the screen as if he hadn't said a word until then.
Jungkook's eyes were glued to the screen like they belonged there and had nowhere else to look; and it remained that way for hours upon end. He was even forgetting to blink, which had caused a few salty tears to slide down his cheeks - thanks to the lack of moisture inside his eye sockets.
As usual, he was doing pretty well at the game - winning all the time and succeeding at whatever he did - not removing his hands from the controller at all.
He had a bottle of water pressed to his lips when Taehyung spoke, which was actually the reason his teammate got sniped - because the maknae was distracted by the water and then distracted again by Taehyung's words - making him do a spit take with the water as it came flying out of his mouth.
"You want me to take your virginity?!"
"Huh?" Taehyung mumbled as he glanced at Jungkook, momentarily forgetting he had spoken. It took him a second before his cheeks went bright red. Not the reaction he was hoping for.
"Oh. Yeah. I don't know. You guys made it sound like it's not a big deal and have so many awesome stories. Figured I'd try it out myself. And you know... You're my best friend so I trust you the most," he shrugged, trying to play it off like it was nothing. In reality, he was incredibly nervous and this seemed like it was going to go south.
"It was a dumb idea. Don't worry about it~" he said, giving his friend a big boxy grin to hide his own embarrassment. He had a lot of random, dumb ideas. It was pretty normal.
"Yeah, I'll do it." Jungkook reloaded the game, continuing on from where he left off - this time with all of his teammates. If Taehyung was going to be casual about it, then he was going to do the same.
He wiped his wet mouth using the back of his hand; returning it to the game controller after.
"If you're sure, then I'll do it."
Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked at his best friend, completely shocked. He had expected Jungkook to laugh like it was a joke or be weirded out. He hadn't expected that. "Really?" he asked, his voice coming out softer than he intended it too as he studied the other boy's face, trying to see if he was joking. After a moment, he through his guard back up, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. "I knew you always had a thing for me~ I am our second visual. Too attractive to resist~ It's commendable that you lasted this long," he teased, winking. He didn't like dealing with personal feelings that often. He did it from time to time on camera, since he liked to be honest with ARMY, but... something felt different here. Like by telling Kookie he was nervous or thankful, he'd be making himself way too vulnerable and that was terrifying. It was easier to joke about it.
"Shut up." Jungkook paused the game and shut the TV off, proceeding to throw a controller at Taehyung to stop him from being such an idiot.
"You want me to take your virginity? Fine. I'll do it." Jungkook stood up from his seat, advancing with a few steps towards Taehyung - backing the elder boy up onto the bed.
He crawled up it and hovered over Tae's body, letting his gaze fall down onto his face. "If you're sure."
Taehyung yelped, nearly falling out of the chair when a controller suddenly collided with his body. "Aish Gukkie. What th-" he started, stopping when Kookie started speaking again. And advancing on him. Like his friend was a predator stalking the prey he wished to devour. His breath hitched and he started to back up, eventually falling on the bed. His heart was pounding in his chest but... it was from excitement more so than fear. "I... yeah. I'm sure..." he mumbled, looking up into his friend's eyes.
Jungkook really /was/ a predator now that the talk of the situation had started to turn him on, making him into this different person - almost like a beast. If he was going to take the virginity of his best friend then he was going to do it properly, not like some stupid mess around in the dark where neither of them knew what they were doing.
Jungkook was experienced, and definitely knew what to do when it came to pleasuring a guy. "Alright, so. This is your first time, let's make it special - something you'll remember. Do you have any fantasies or kinks? We might as well throw them into the mix."
"I..." he started, trying to think clearly. It was hard when he was on top of him. Plus, it was embarrassing to admit these things out loud. Hopefully Jungkook wouldn't judge him too much. "I... I kinda like the image of being dominated and owned... Like... completely at someone's mercy... Um... I like feeling like prey, it seems. The idea of bondage sounds kinda good," he said, face blood red as he turned his head to study the wall instead of his friend's face. He was too embarrassed to look him in the eye.
"So, basically - you're into bondage and being treated like a submissive. Got it." Jungkook pushed himself off of Taehyung, sitting back up against the bed - pressing his own spine against the headboard.
"Take your clothes off and then sit in my lap. This is going to take a while."
Tae quickly got off the bed, standing off to the side as he started pulling his clothes off. "Am I allowed to ask what you're going to do? Or is it all a surprise?" he asked, trying to strip down as fast as possible. Part of him thought about maybe putting on a show but he might end up messing that up since it was his first time and he had no idea what he was doing. So he just got naked and crawled back up to the top of his bed, plopping his ass down on Kookie's lap before shifting a bit to get comfortable.
Jungkook responded to Taehyung's sentence with his eyes, giving him a look that said he wasn't going to reveal anything - wanting to remain a surprise for the elder boy.
He removed his own belt, clicking off the buckle, leaning forward to multitask and kiss at Tae's neckline. The belt however; was being removed for a different reason - for Jungkook to tie around Taehyung's wrists to cuff him. "Hopefully that'll stop you from squirming when I do this."
Jungkook lightly trailed his fingertips along Taehyung's spine, just letting them ghost against the surface - as he trailed them onto the boy's ass, stopping on the outside of his entrance which he lightly massaged with his thumb. "How does that feel?"
Taehyung automatically pulled at the binds on his wrists, testing them for a second, before it set in that he was really bound and completely at Jungkook's mercy... and fuck, that was incredibly hot.
The boy's eyes closed when he felt his friend's hands on his body, ducking his head forward to rest on Gukkie's shoulder and trying to keep still.
"Feels good," he said softly, taking a second to enjoy it before turning his head to kiss Jungkook's neck, wanting to give him some attention too.
"Nuh uh, baby. This isn't about me - it's about you." Jungkook leaned to the side to remove his neck from Taehyung's lips, pressing his fingertips a little harder against the pink little hole - his mind already filling with lustful thoughts about how Taehyung was a virgin.
He had already slicked his fingers up a few moments ago after tying Taehyung up, so thankfully - they were ready to be entered into the elder boy - so that was what he did.
The maknae wasted no time in gently sinking his middle finger inside of Taehyung, letting a smirk emerge upon his lips when it got sucked up by the tightness of the hole. "So tight, Tae-"
Taehyung gasped before biting his lip and burying his face in the man's neck again, although this time more to hide his face. It didn't exactly /hurt/, per say. It was more of a very dull ache. It was more... foreign. He'd never experimented back there before and he wasn't used to the feeling. It wasn't that he didn't like it, he knew that he'd probably end up addicted to this feeling. He just needed to get used to it.
"Ahh... yeah... Just picture that feeling around your cock," he said after a moment, wanting to turn Jungkook on as much as he'd turned him on. Although that was probably not possible. He was so unbelievably turned on right now, he could probably get off on just sitting, tied up, in Jungkook's lap while he talked to him.
Jungkook instantly went from semi-hard to full on rock hard after hearing Taehyung speak, using his finger to cope with his own needs, by dragging the tip right along Tae's prostate after finding it.
His free hand was used to get full of Tae's hair, yanking the boy's head backwards to force him into eye contact - dying to see the look on his face as his prostate got touched for the first time.
Taehyung couldn't help but moan Jungkook's name loudly as pleasure shot through his body. Holy shit, this must be why people loved bottoming. It was like sparks being set off. "Fuck. Please do that again," he hissed, trying to roll his hips back onto Jungkook's finger. He didn't care if he was acting like a slut, basically fucking himself on his friend's hand. He just wanted to experience that feeling again.
"What? This?" Jungkook asked in a fake innocent tone, brushing his fingertip over Tae's prostate in a much gentler manner now - with the intention of teasing the fuck out of him.
He knew that the boy was ready to take another finger, so he sank another one into him - now filling up the hole with his index and middle finger which were both coated with saliva.
"You've got one tight little cunt, Taehyung-" he spoke aloud a little breathlessly, bending his fingers up at the knuckle at a slow pace inside of the boy.
Taehyung whined, shifting in his lap again. "Gukkie! Please don't tease," he pleaded, resting his forehead against his friend's and looking down at him with hooded, lust filled eyes. The feeling against his prostate was almost like a highly addictive drug that he never wanted to stop experiencing. On the other hand... "The... the faster you prep me, the sooner my tight cunt can be wrapped around your cock," he whispered seductively.
"Tempting..but I wouldn't want to hurt your precious little cunt." Jungkook's tone was filled with mockery, just pumping his fingers in and out of Taehyung faster and faster - pushing right up against the sweet spot endlessly.
He knew Tae was as ready as he'd ever be, but the look on the boy's face was too addictive - and he didn't want to disturb the lust filled view he was getting of the the elder's pleasured face by causing him a little pain. "Tell me what you want."
Taehyung couldn't help but gasp and moan, trying to rock his hips back into Jungkook's sinful fingers. He did ask for him to do it again... He just wasn't expecting this. It took at least a minute before Taehyung was able to speak. "Ahh... Please fuck my cunt, Oppa..." he groaned, not entirely paying attetion to what he was saying. He just wanted to have Jungkook stretching him into oblivion on his giant dick. He'd fantasized about it quite a few times after accidentally walking in on Jungkook once.
"Is that really what you want? The youngest of your brothers to fuck you into oblivion until you can't breathe? Until you're just /begging/ to be unconscious because it'll ease some of the intensity?" Jungkook's voice was literally riddled with so many different tones - lust being the biggest, followed shortly by mischief as he stopped moving his fingers - resting them against Tae's prostate - leaving the boy completely impaled on him.
Tae couldn't help but let out a needy moan at Jungkook's words. "Oh god. Yes. /Please/ Oppa," he begged, wanting nothing more than for Jungkook's words to become true. "Please. I'll do anything you want. Don't care how, don't care what kinks you wanna do, just please, /please/ fuck me," he babbled, trying to grind his hips down onto Jungkook's cock. Maybe it'd make him fuck him.
Jungkook's hand left Taehyung's hair and went to the boy's hip, holding him in place to still him. "As you wish," was all he said, removing his fingers from inside of the elder boy.
He now had both of his arms around Taehyung's waist, using the grip to lay Tae down flat on his back - with his hands still tied up underneath him.
It only took a few seconds for Jungkook to line up his thick, long member with Tae's entrance - holding it in place - rubbing the tip on the outside of the hole to continue with the teasing. "Keep begging."
Taehyung spread his legs wider to make room for Jungkook. "Please. I need you to impale me, bend me in half and fuck me into the mattress until I can't walk for the next week. Need to be so full of you, need to feel you stretching me with your cock. Please. Need it so bad. Just please fuck me," he begged. He was so turned on, he had forgotten all about this being his first time or how he should be nervous or how it might hurt. The only thing that mattered was that he was currently empty and he didn't like that feeling.
With another playful smirk, Jungkook pushed the head of his member into Taehyung's tight entrance, feeling the tight muscle contract around his large cock. It slowly made its way into the tight, virginal hole - becoming buried inside of him. "Your cunt is so fucking tight, pup-" Jungkook choked out, leaning his forehead forward to press against Tae's. He was having trouble pushing in all the way in due to the intoxicating heat and tightness, which made him have to pause for a moment - leaving the elder boy impaled by him.
Taehyung's breath caught in his throat as he felt Jungkook slowly press forward inside him. It was a little painful, he knew it'd be, but it was more... intense. Overpowering. Overwhelming. "Ahh... Shit.. Just... give me a second," he mumbled, needing to adjust. Jungkook really was big and he was the first thing even remotely phallic he'd had up his ass.
After a few minutes Jungkook began thrusting in and out of him, knowing that Tae wouldn't fully adjust without a little friction. At first it was the thrust were small, just an inch in and out. But when he got more into it and the tight hole finally started to widen - he started to make bigger thrusts deeper into Tae with his large member having no where to go but up against Taehyung's prostate. He had the confidence to thrust into him hard now with his hands tightly digging into Taehyung's hips, perfectly helping him slam into his prostate over and over again.
Taehyung couldn't help but whine when Jungkook first started to move, still a little sore, but it didn't take long for him to adjust. And then soon his breathy moans turned into loud cries of pleasure as his prostate was assaulted over and over again by again. It was mind numbing. He couldn't even think anymore. All the could focus on was the pleasure setting every nerve in his body on fire. "Ahh! G-Gukkie!" He gasped, head thrown back as he struggled to at least /breathe/.
"Feel good?" Jungkook said down to Taehyung below him. The younger grabbed Tae's rock hard cock and jacked him off a few fines to meet his thrusts. His eyes slowly lowered downwards after feeling a little wetness on his hand, "You're fucking leaking, like a child," he hissed, pulling out slowly before snapping his hips forward again, harshly. "Like a little boy who can't hold himself from wetting the bed." He leaned forward as he continued with the slow, hard thrusts, sinking his teeth into Taehyung's shoulder. "If you cum, I promise you won't be able to breathe for a fucking week. I'll buy a snug little vibrator just for you. Keep it against your prostate all day until you cum so much that you pass out. You wait until I say it's okay."
Taehyung couldn't help but let out a small whimper at Jungkook's words. He couldn't help it. They were doing something to him. Messing with his mind. But how was he supposed to keep from cumming? Jungkook was pretty much slamming into his prostate full on with every thrust. It was almost too much. At the same time though... he just... felt like he didn't want to let his friend down, for some strange fucked up reason. And not because of the punishment after. He didn't understand it, but now wasn't going to be the time he tried to. "Ungh... Yes O-Oppa..." he got out, his voice sounding pretty wrecked. He was going to do everything in his power to keep from cumming and if that was failing, he'd just beg the maknae to let him cum and not stop begging until he did. Hopefully one of the two options worked.
Moans were sliding out of Jungkook's mouth as he tightened his grip on Taehyung's hip when he fucked into the boy, his cock throbbing from the overwhelming suffocation; the tightness and the heat making his head spin. "Fuck," he choked out, sinking inside again slowly until he was fully deep, grinding his hips forward. "God, baby. So fucking perfect." Jungkook pounded into Tae until he couldn't help the moans that left his lips, whimpering and gasping because of the immense pleasure he was facing. He knew Taehyung was a virgin; so he probably wouldn't last much longer anyway.
Taehyung couldn't keep quiet. Pretty soon his moans and groans turned into whimpers and whines, trying hard to keep from cumming. It was so difficult. There was this tense feeling in the pit of his stomach, like a coil, and he was sure his dick was leaking every so often no matter how hard he tried. He didn't know how much longer he could last. "Oppa /please/ let me cum," he pleaded, his body tensing up even more in his effort to keep from falling over the edge, including clamping down around Jungkook. "I... I c-can't last much l-longer..."
"You can cum." Jungkook pressed his forehead between Tae's collarbones as he whined from the claustrophobic tightness that was causing pressure around his length. One of Jungkook's hands slammed roughly against the wall next to Tae's head, trying to hold himself back from completely wrecking the younger hard enough to make him bleed. "Fuck. You're so fucking tight." He whispered, repeating the words he'd used about ten million times.
It didn't take long for Taehyung to fall over the edge, Jungkook's words washing over him. He cried out the other boy's name, his back arching up a bit off the bed as he allowed himself to cum, shooting all over his abdomen. As soon as he was finished, he collapsed back down onto the bed, desperately trying to catch his breath, body finally relaxed as he let his friend use it however he liked.
Jungkook had been deciding on where exactly he wanted to release his cum; whether or not he wanted to feed Taehyung or fill up his ass was a tough decision. As soon as he heard the elder boy call out his name; Jungkook's climax ripped through his body like a storm - covering him in ripples of pleasure. He continued to fuck out his orgasm into Tae, not stopping with the thrusts until he felt himself being close to cum - which is when he pulled out of the elder and positioned his length beside Taehyung's lips. "Open."
Taehyung lazily opened his eyes to gaze back up at Jungkook before his mouth opened wide and his tongue stuck out. He debated on leaning forward and sucking on Jungkook until he was done but Jungkook was in control right now and if he had wanted that, he would have said it. Still... he was kind of excited to get a taste of Gukkie, though he had no idea why. Maybe it was this whole kinky situation.
Jungkook didn't even know he had managed to pull out before his climax ripped through his body, taking over him like a storm - rippling waves of pleasure through every inch of him - but somehow he had done it. He used his thumb to part Tae's lips before the boy did it fully, allowing Jungkook to rest the tip of his length in the boy's mouth as he released hid load - shooting white liquid into it.
Tae let out a soft moan, swallowing everything Jungkook gave him, before running his tongue over Jungkook's tip to lick up the rest. It was pretty salty but he liked it, which kind of surprised him a bit. The second he was done, he rolled onto his side on the bed, taking a few moments to relax. They could go back to normal later. Or even tomorrow. Right now, he was exhausted. "Don't wanna move," he mumbled, burying his face in the other boy's pillow.
"You don't have to. You can stay here." Jungkook pulled the duvet covers up, covering the little naked Taehyung who would soon fall asleep amongst the soft sheets.
"Your first time is bound to tire you out - and make you sore tomorrow." Jungkook leaned over Tae, turning the bedside table lamp off - dimming the brightness in the room a little. "You did good."
Taehyung flushed, a small smile appearing on his face at Jungkook's words. He really was the sweetest. It was then that he realized something.
"Gukkie? Forgetting something?" he asked, fighting a yawn. His arms were still bound behind his back and his shoulders were starting to hurt a bit. If Jungkook left them on all night, he was going to kick him. A lot. He'll make sure he didn't sleep at all.
"I wasn't forgetting, I just didn't want to take them off just yet. You look so pretty." Jungkook cooed, leaning in to take the belt off of Tae's wrists - dropping it to the floor. "Goodnight, Hyung." The maknae whispered, even though he was pretty certain Tae had already drifted into a deep, deep sleep.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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