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Written by chiminnies


euphoria [yoo-fawr-ee-uh, -fohr-] : noun , a state of intense happiness and self-confidence:

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jimin is a stressed-out stockbroker who had a bad day at work and so namjoon tells him about a secluded place that 'relieves stress'

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Sometimes Jimin questions his life choices.

For example: he questions why he double majored in economics and marketing, then decide to be a stockbroker working in one of South Korea’s biggest financial market as his career choice. Maybe it was because his 19-year old self was fascinated by how people got rich quick from just convincing people to buy and/or sell their stocks he’s watched multiple times from his business class. The process seemed so easy, any lazy person can do it. But little did that nineteen-year-old know that as the years progress, so did the tiring days.

His schedule is like this: he has to wake up early enough in the morning to get ready and beat the traffic to get to his workplace that’s roughly thirty minutes away from his apartment. On rare occasions, Jimin’s able to clock in barely on time, but most days, he arrives ten to fifteen minutes late. By then, he’s already exhausted and wants to go home, but his job is crucial to him because he beat hundreds of other candidates fighting for his position. It’s a tiring procedure of going to work, calling a list of potential stock buyers/sellers, get yelled at by some of them, and heading home when the sun is down, but he’s gotten used to it. Jimin’s been working as a stockbroker for five months now and as each day passes, he finds the job a little bit easier. And out of the whole week he works, he looks forward to Fridays the most.

Fridays are the last day of his excruciating fifty-hour work week, and Jimin’s usually happier on Fridays because after clocking out, he has the weekend to himself and he uses his days off to catch up on sleep and relax. His thought process is if he can get through each week, he can celebrate however he wants by the end of it, and he knows he isn’t the only one to knock back a few drinks and enjoy the upcoming weekend. Fridays were always kind to Jimin as he’s more energetic and bubblier with his customers. 

Except this particular Friday was the complete opposite.

Jimin spent this day discovering that one of the companies he sold stocks to a rich and very aggressive business man crashed and he was yelled by him on the phone for a good twenty-five minutes before the angry business man told him to fuck off and that he will never buy from him again, with letting Jimin’s boss know of his senseless act of thoroughly checking the investments of the company. Might as well throw Jimin to the dogs while he’s at it.

By the end of the agonizing call, Jimin sets the phone back into its holder and leans back into his office chair, running a hand over his face as he cannot believe this is happening. It’s supposed to be a good day for him, it was supposed to end on a good note so that he can start his weekend with no worries and now he can feel the stacks of paperwork his boss will make him complete on his days off.

“Jimin? Can I see you in my office?” A voice suddenly coming out of nowhere, startling the young man as he whips his head towards it. It’s his boss and he can see small veins popping from the corner of his forehead with beads of sweat dripping down. He’s scared but slowly stands up and follows his boss into the spacious office a few meters from his cubicle. They enter the room and Jimin sits down nervously onto one of the chairs facing the desk as his boss sinks down onto his chair. With a long sigh, Jimin’s boss pinches the bridge of his nose and inhales deeply, silence in the room for a minute before he looks at Jimin directly in the eyes.

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