show me how it's done

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Written by syubtitles


Jimin just really, really loves Yoongi, and he's ready to let him know just how much.


As the final beat of the song booms through the speakers, Jimin locks his body right in time for the last part of the routine. He holds the pose, studying his posture in the mirror, checking for any angles that look off. A little smile breaks out on his lips in satisfaction when he's convinced that he's finally perfected the dance.

It's the first time he's done the intro for the album, and so every aspect of it has to be perfect. From his vocals to the flow of his accompanying dance, there can't be a single flaw. It took many hours, and a lot of lectures from the older members about not overdoing it, but he's done it. He can't wait to get on stage now.

He's thrumming in excitement as he walks over to his bag, haphazardly thrown in the corner. He wipes himself down with a towel and only now does he realise how thirsty he is. HIs eyes widen in surprise as he checks his phone for the time, and he almost chokes on his water. The time is 1:12 am, which means he ended up practising for four hours straight. Jimin doesn't feel the strain on his body, though, so it's fine for now. But he scrambles to get his stuff together to make it home before his legs give up on him.

He does final checks around the practice room for anything lying around when he notices a dim light coming from one of the doors. It's Yoongi's studio, and Jimin checks the time again in confusion. He vaguely remembers Yoongi leaving their dorm earlier before any of them and he wonders if he's been holed up in his studio all this time. Jimin shakes his head, huffing as he makes his way over to Yoongi's studio. He knocked thrice, and when there's no answer, he just lets himself in.

Jimin is met with the sight of a frustrated Yoongi bent over the keyboard, headphones firmly pressed against his ears as he analyses the track. Jimin leans against the door frame sighing at how much the older overworks himself. But he's not really one to talk, since he's exactly the same. Jimin's gaze softens as he continues watching Yoongi, and he can't help but be endeared by the sight in front of him. He wants to laugh at how oblivious Yoongi is, the door's wide open but he still hadn't noticed Jimin.

When Yoongi takes off his headphones, Jimin expects him to finally notice him. But instead the older just ruffles his hair in annoyance and lets out a really deep sigh. Jimin pouts, unable to stand Yoongi's distressed state, and walks over to his chair. He drapes his arms around Yoongi from behind, and leans down to press a kiss on the corner of his mouth. Yoongi doesn't startle but he swivels around to face the younger.

"Jimin?" Yoongi almost chirps.

"Hi, hyung," he beams back at Yoongi, and it's almost ridiculous how happy he is at this time of day.

"What are you still doing here? I thought you left hours ago," his voice goes back to it's usual low tone, but there's a hint of concern that makes Jimin feel warm.

"Saw your light still on," Jimin hums, as he joins their lips together, softly kissing Yoongi in hopes to lessen his worry. When they pull apart, Jimin smiles down at him, cheeks slightly pink, and before Yoongi can break the silence, he sits himself down on his lap.

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