Too hot under the blanket

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Yoongi and Jimin have been friends for a very long time and one night, trying to keep their tradition going, Yoongi finds himself too fascinated and distracted by Jimin to concentrate on what they were doing.
or, yoongi just has a strong attraction, perhaps a slight kink, for jimin’s smooth thighs and things get heated a little too fast

Work text

"So what's this movie about?" Jimin asked placing their bowls of instant ramen on the coffee table before getting on the couch next to Yoongi


"I don't really know actually. Namjoon recommended it to me saying it's some kind of weird indie type of romance movie. I guess we'll just have to see."

Jimin nodded with a little hum. At this point he didn't care what they were going to watch, he was just happy to keep their tradition going.


Ever since they became best friends when Jimin was turning 6, him and Yoongi decided to make Sunday a movie night. Over the almost 17 years they knew each other they didn't miss even one movie night. No matter how tired or how busy they were they always made time for their tradition. Even after Yoongi had to move away for college they would FaceTime and watch the same movie while munching on snacks and commenting whatever was going on.

Now that they have been living together for over two years they got to continue it like the old times. Jimin loved that. He loved having something certain and never changing in his life, something constant that assured him that no matter what happened everything will be ok in the end. Yoongi loved that too and so he tried to always find the best movies out there in order to not bore Jimin and make him put an end to 'their thing' as he likes to call it.


Now, after thousands of movies, it started getting harder and harder to find interesting things to watch so he gladly accepted recommendations and suggestions from their friends. Neither Jimin or Yoongi cared about the genre of the movies so they ended up watching so many different things that they were actually quite thrilled to find something new that they haven't seen yet.

Yoongi decided to give a chance to “Call me by your name” after Namjoon told him how Jungkook and Taehyung cried for about half an hour after it ended while Jin threw away all the peaches in their house and still is unwilling to buy any. Curiosity and the desire to see if Jimin would react like their younger friends got the best of him of course so Yoongi downloaded the movie right as he got home.

So here they were, waiting for the movie to load and their food to cool down a little. They got under their blankets and sat so close to each other that they were basically cuddling. Nothing new or weird for them, considering the occasional make out sessions they had when they drunk a little too much beer during some movies.



"I can't believe it started snowing right before we're going back to classes. Look at this shit. It's everywhere. Ugh I hate being cold and going out on this weather. If I slip on ice one more time I swear I'll sue everyone." Jimin complained looking out the window at the snow storm

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