take me back to church

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Note:so this chapter is originaly made as a sope ff. But damn, it was so hot so I have to make it a yoonmin one. I change and added some dets and so. Enjoy. Oh and if i forgot or miss something that should be edited just tell me


au where jimin is a priest and yoongi is really looking for redemption ;)

Work text

Jimin was just about to go change back into his casual clothes when suddenly he heard footsteps behind him, the sound of the shoes echoing through the empty church. for a second he got concerned because it was way too late for someone to be there. he sent everyone home when the church service was over in order to be alone in his thoughts and maybe fix a thing or two around so having someone there with him now was quite the surprise. 

"finally leaving father?" a deep raspy voice asked, the sound of the shoes getting closer and closer

Jimin immediately recognized that voice. that intoxicating raspiness and its owner were the reason he had to pray a little longer every night after all. how could he not recognize it when it keeps sending shivers down his spine?

"ah yoongi, what are you doing here at such a late hour?" Jimin asked, turning around only to realize that the other was closer than he would like him to be

Yoongi chuckled and took a quick look up and down at the shorter one. "i noticed your car was still outside so i thought it would be a good time to confess my sins while i still got the chance, don't you think?"

Jimin gulped and his breath got caught in his throat. Yoongi had this effect on him ever since he could remember. at first he ignored it cause he felt how wrong this attraction was, especially when trying to follow god’s path, but it got harder by the day considering they were classmates in highschool. and oh how much that messed him up inside. the shameless way the elder flirted with him whenever he had the chance, how easy it was for him to make jimin blush with even just a little inappropriate look in his eyes whenever their gazes met, how yoongi's eyes would linger a few moments too long on his body and looked him up and down like he could strip him naked just by staring- all of that and more drove jimin to the point of insanity.

just by thinking of him and his precious  lips or the way he'd love to have him there just in their skin and nothing in between them pushed jimin to bite his lip and whine little harder when he touched himself or move his hand a little faster trying to think of how the eldees's elegant long fingers would touch him and wrap around his dick just right.

just remembering the sound of his laugh, his smooth velvety voice whenever he didn’t fool around, made jimin pray for a day when they could lay in each other’s arms, cuddled up and with the elder’s lips whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

how yoongi managed to tear down everything jimin stood for and make him fall victim to his sinful desires was an enigma to the younger.

once he left for college things got a little better and jimin was finally able to control and reject that foolish side of him. he even got a girlfriend and concentrated on his studies like he was supposed to. even though he knew the truth that laid deep inside his soul, he found it easier to lie to himself than face the truth.

in the end it seemed that life found a way to bring him everything he worked for and fulfill his wishes. well, that was until he spotted yoongi during church service one sunday and he kept presenting himself there ever since.

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