Water the odds

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Made by pjmmygx

Work text

Jimin comes back into the bedroom tiptoeing quietly towards the bed as he puts the half empty bottle of watermelon flavored lube back into the bedside drawer.

He bites his lip as he looks up at his boyfriend, still dead to the world, lying asleep in the middle of their bed; Body covered in burgundy silk sheets, black bangs falling over his eyes.

Jimin slowly walks to the bottom of the bed, small hand delicately dragging along the bed post, before he leisurely climbs up, crawling between his boyfriend's legs. He sits back on the bed, into straddling position; Legs folded on either side of himself, heels touching the sides of his thighs as he stares at his boyfriend. Wondering how long it took the gods to create him. Wondering if they'd created him just for him. Wondering how the hell he'd gotten so lucky.

His eyes dart to the bedside clock that reads 8:33 am. It being hours before Yoongi would usually get up. Jimin slowly tugs down the bed sheet watching his boyfriend's face as the sheet gets lower, and lower until...

Jimin's mouth waters, licking his plump lips as he eyes his boyfriend's slightly hard erection, that lays on his hip. With no more patience left in him, Jimin crawls further up between his boyfriend's legs, then leans down, arching his back as he kisses the head, tongue then darting out as he curls it around the tip.

Jimin hums as he finally takes Yoongi fully into his mouth, running his tongue along the underside of his dick, as he bobs his head up and down at a lazy pace.

A shiver runs down Jimin's back as he feels him fully harden on his tongue in less than a minute, his eyes fluttering shut in lust as his tongue runs along the smooth skin, his member warm and heavy on his tongue. He comes back up, tongue dipping into the now leaking slit, as a low groan barely audible sounds above him.

Jimin pauses his actions, looking up at Yoongi, who despite making noise, hasn't yet moved. Jimin releases his member with a pop, licking his lips, keeping an eye on his boyfriend as he lifts his t-shirt (Yoongi's t-shirt) over his head, leaving him naked, before straddling his boyfriend's hips. Having prepped himself before hand, Jimin lifts himself on his feet in a squat, hand on Yoongi's chest, as he reaches behind him with his other, taking Yoongi in his hand, as he lines him up with his opening.

Jimin then pushes down, moaning softly as the head catches past his rim. The rest of the glide, easy from the lube inside of him, and he doesn't stop until he's fully seated on Yoongi. He falls down to his knees, clenching around his length. Exhaling as he throws his head back, he closes his eyes as he begins to roll his hips in slow figure eights.

Jimin gasps as there's a brush against his prostate.

"Yoongi." He moans, soft pants leaving his lips.

Jimin lifts himself back on his feet as he begins up a pace, fucking himself on Yoongi as if he were made for it.

The skin of his bottom slaps against the skin on Yoongi's thighs as he bounces and there's a slight burn, Yoongi's girth stretching him out more than his fingers ever could.

Jimin moans, taking a moment to grind down on his length, whilst biting his lip, rolling his body back and forth sensually, before his picks up his previous pace in riding Yoongi.

Underneath him, Yoongi finally shows his first sign in waking up. His body stirs, head swaying to the left. There's a groan emitting from his lips and a prominent frown on his face, as his brows furrow and mouth turns downwards. His eyes flutter, as his hands instinctively reach out and grasp what happens to be Jimin's ankles. Hands rubbing up and down Jimin's calves in confusion.

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