Mission: accomplished

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Made by TokatoYMTK


Yoongi is given the mission to touch each member's butts throughout their Run episode without getting caught. It’s easy enough, to merely “accidentally” graze someone’s bottom. Yoongi knew he could do it until he realized they meant every single member. To Yoongi’s dismay, it just so happens “every member” includes Park Jimin.

Work Text

Initially, Yoongi scoffed when he was told his mission. He thought he was being messed with for a quick laugh. The staff usually give other types of missions, such as high-five every member or touch each member’s nose, so why was he given this one? Yoongi laughed on camera at the ridiculousness.

When Yoongi realized it wasn’t a joke, he was in trouble.

Yoongi was given the mission to touch each member's butts throughout their Run episode without getting caught. It’s easy enough, to merely “accidentally” graze someone’s bottom. Yoongi knew he could do it until he realized they meant every single member. To Yoongi’s dismay, it just so happens “every member” includes Park Jimin.

As much as Yoongi tried to deny it, he has a major crush on the dancer. How could he not? The boy was perfect in every way, especially on the dance floor. More often than not, Yoongi takes frequent breaks during dance practice to watch the singer move. Yoongi finds it admiring how passionate the other boy has when it comes to dancing. It’s the same passion the rapper feels with music.

The director called for them to start. Minutes into the episode, Yoongi understood he wouldn’t be able to focus on whatever they were doing. Looking around, they were cooking again. Don’t ask Yoongi the recipe, he’s too distracted to respond. Sure, he slips his comments every so often, but his mind continues to be sidetracked. Sighing, he needs to complete the mission he’s given. He needs to touch Jimin’s ass.

The rapper concludes he’ll save the best for last.

Yoongi shifts around and stands between Jin and Namjoon. Whatever words they’re speaking, he doesn’t hear. He pretends to be interested in the conversation as he slips his hand to touch the older man’s ass. Yoongi blessed the heavens when Jin was too invested into cooking to notice.

Namjoon is trickier though. Yoongi has spent his fair share of time knowing how intelligent he is. The idea of pushing Namjoon closer to Jin came to Yoongi, he already knew the leader was silently cursing him for blocking the two. He softly shoved the leader next to him and managed to graze Namjoon’s bottom. Yoongi was subtle luckily. Namjoon didn’t notice, but the rapper is sure it’s because he’s secretly fawning over his boyfriend.

Good, two done and four more to go.

Yoongi notices Hoseok next to Jungkook and Taehyung. Okay, he can do this.

While passing Hoseok, Yoongi slipped his handaccidentally . He didn’t earn any comments from the dancer. He knew the man passed it off for their small walking space.

Yoongi sighed. He hated to be a significant cockblock, but the two boys were so damn obvious. Yoongi could see the heart eyes they gave each other. With the little space between them, he slipped in. He uncharacteristically wrapped his arms around the boys’ shoulders and stared dumbly around. Yoongi ignored the vibe the two resonated. He hated to separate them, but for the sake of their group and his mission, he must.

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