smoke and fire

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Written by minyoonD

Work text

It was nearing nine pm when Jimin finally arrived back to his dorm after an entire day of classes and practices, he swiped his key card and pushed the door open, grabbing his shower caddy and slamming the door behind him. The loud thump of the heavy, metal door startled Jimin's roommate Yoongi who sat across from the entrance, cross-legged on his twin mattress with textbooks sprawled across his thighs. Yoongi looked up from the pile of notes in his lap confused, he could tell Jimin looked upset and by the heavy thump of the door, Yoongi didn't think that was much of a stretch. Yoongi pulled the headset off of his ears and curled the wire around his hand before placing them on the night stand by his bed, along with his pile of now closed textbooks. Yawning and confused, he reached beneath the frame of his bed to grab his backpack, unzipping it to pull out a small mason jar that had been painted yellow so it was difficult to see it's contents, and a sleek black clipboard. Unscrewing the lid he dumped the contents of the jar onto his clipboard that was sat steadily on his lap. A pack of zig-zag papers, a small plastic zip-lock bag of cannabis and a bright pink lighter "You're less likely to get bic'ed when it's pink!" he remembered the cashier telling him so and it made him laugh quietly to himself. He carfully pulled out two thin papers, stuck them together and started to break up the bud with his fingers placing it along the fold of the zig-zags. After busting nearly a gram and a half he made a filter from a package of gum he had lying on his nightstand and licked the edges and twisted the opposite end. He didn't have long to admire his work before he heard the key card slide back into the lock on the door.

"Bad day?" Yoongi asked, catching Jimin off guard.

"I've had better." He huffed, tossing the shower caddy on the floor by his bed.

His brown hair was still wet, clinging to his forehead in chunks, he was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and shorts that clung to his thighs. Yoongi admired him silently. Yoongi pushed his own blonde hair back away from his eyes and leaned against the headboard on his bed, holding the joint up for Jimin to see as he patted the space on the mattress beside him. The brunette walked the small distance and used his knees to lift himself into the others bed, sitting up beside Yoongi as he pulled the thick blanket up over his exposed knees.

"D'you wanna light it?" Yoongi asks, passing the cone shaped joint to Jimin.

"You're the best." he replied, taking the cone between his middle and index finger, raising it to his lips.

Jimin stuck the joint on his tongue and closed his lips around it, pulling it back out to baptize it before placing the filter to his lips and sparking the pink lighter at it's tip. Yoongi watched him intently as Jimin took a long drag, filling both of his lungs, he held the smoke in as he passed the cone to Yoongi, exhaling infront of him. Yoongi did the same. He could tell Jimin was already feeling visibly more relaxed.

"Feeling any better?" the blonde asks.

Jimin just hums in response as he lays his head on Yoongi's shoulder, slinking down and snuggling it. The action makes Yoongi's breathing hitch and his palms go sweaty. He exhales more smoke and passes it back to Jimin.

"You can finish it." He says.

Jimin takes a long and smooth haul before squishing the filter out in the ashtray beside Yoongi's bed. He looks at Yoongi through hooded, bloodshot eyes and before his mind knows what his body is doing he's got his thighs hooked around Yoongi's, straddling him. He cups Yoongi's face with both hands as brings their lips together, blowing the smoke out smoothly into Yoongi's lungs. Yoongi breathes in sharply and he can feel his heart rate spike as he blows the smoke back out.

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