Red handed

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Written by Crystal_BangTan


When Jimin caches Yoongi masturbation to him, he joins in. Read for more details :/
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Jimin had been bothering Yoongi all day. Not annoying him, per say. He'd been strutting, fucking strutting around in yoga shorts and a massive sweater that hung off his shoulder. He looked so sexy, it was irritating!

So what did the man resort to? Masturbation, of course. He just couldn't stop fantacising about him, fit thighs and all, smooth legs, soft skin, promonent collar bones, sharp jaw. His lips were lushes and his eyes looked naturally hooded, but he could imagine then rolling back into his head, a beautiful moan leaving his plump lips as the takes his, and thrusts places deep that have never been reached before. He could imagine his large hand around Jimins throat, feeling his adams apple bopping as he struggles for air, but he likes it. Just the throat of Jimins smalls hands running through his hair, nails stratching his back, or holding onto his arms

Not even close yet.

He's been beating his meat in the privacy of his dorm to the same kind of thoughts nightly. But it wasn't enough at this point.

God, how much fucking better it would feel if it were Jimins tight hole. How much he'd love for jimin to rode him, hands gripping his shoulders as him old squeezed Jimins plumb cheeks.

Fuck, he lusted for him. Something about him drove him crazy, it was quite literally insanity, it's not even okay. Everything about his made everything but his dick soft. He yearned for his touch at all times, even if it wasn't sexually. Somethings he just wanted to hold his face in his hands and stare into his eyes. He figured he'd be able to sustain that forever and just get lost.

Still not close yet.

Fuck Jimin, just come and fuck me!
However the man was still unprepared when his door creaked open, and the very man stuck his head through.
"... Yoongi?" his small voice broke the deafening silence in the room.
Yoongi was laid there, wide eyes on him, fist enclosed on his own dick, and there he was, looking at the man who caused it.
"Jimin," he said, looking for any signs of discomfort but none ever surfaced. His eyes were wide and his lips were parted with shock but he made no move to leave. Instead, he closed the door behind him and started walking towards the bed. He sat on the edge of it and looked him in the eye. "Were you thinking about me too?"

Yoongi wasn't exactly sure what to think. What was Jimin even, insinuating? That he'd done the same thing? 'Cause that would just be the best thing to ever hear. And it would save him the embarrassment of having to explain the position he was already in.
"Oh my god, you weren't. I'm sorry, that's embarrassing. I just interrupted to and started askin-"

"sit back down," Yoongi growled. Let's just take a shot. "Don't be scared, baby, sit down."
Jimin obeyed reluctantly and sat back down on the bed, beginning to play with his fingers a little bit. "Yoongi-hyung you look so fucking hot..." Jimin said in a whisper. "I really want to suck you off."
In almost a whimper, he brought his sweater paws to his mouth.
Yoongi sat up on his knees and caressed the boys face, one hand around his wrist, guiding it away from his mouth. "Jimin we need to be really fucking quiet." At this Jimin nodded eagerly. "You're letting me top, right?" Jimin swore his eyes rolled back for a moment. Being under Yoongi's domination made him grow harder in his shorts, having been previously unsatisfied from the lack of Yoongi's hands. His eyes scanned what was his older brother, white shirt, black briefs. The briefs in question pulled down his thighs, his half hard-on sprung just for his eyes. It was all for him rights now, just knelt beside him, face moving in.

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