Be quiet

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Written by jiminiechimchim


Yoongi and Jimin have to be quiet if you know what I mean ;)

{Top Jimin + bottom Yoongi}

Work text

Yoongi pushed the younger against the door to his room. It was one of those unfortunate times where their hormones got the best of them and they weren’t alone in the dorms. “Jimin-ah you are going to have to be quiet baby boy. Why don’t want anyone hearing us now do we?”Jimin nodded his head— no one knew they were dating yet.

“You know hyung...if you want me to keep quiet I think that means I have to top.” He wiggled his eyebrow and Yoongi groaned. “Cheeky little bastard.” He growled before slamming his lips back to the Younger’s making his head hit the door. “Ow! Hyung!” Jimin’s voice was muffled against Yoongi’s lips—taking it to his own advantage Yoongi darted his tongue out to explore the mouth he has already been in at least 100 times.

“If you stop complaining brat I’ll let you top.” Jimin hit himself up and melted into the sloppy kiss once more. Letting his hands slip under Yoongi’s sweater and running them along smooth skin. Yoongi has recently picked back up on going to the gym and it was paying off. Faint muscles could be felt under Jimin’s finger tips and he smiled. “I’m proud of you hyung.” Yoongi didn’t even have to ask what he meant.

About a month before the new year Yoongi complained about wanting to lose some weight, not a lot of course but it would be nice to gain a bit of muscle. He made the resolution to go to the gym with Jimin whenever he could and actually stuck with it—even going by himself when Jimin was busy.

Jimin’s hand found its way to Yoongi’s nipple and pinched it teasingly making the elder gasp. “Damn the noises you make hyung, they drive me wild.” Yoongi’s pants grew even tighter against him and he moaned. The plus side to being pretty much the same height as each other was that they could easily grind against each other. No weird positions or awkward angles.

Yoongi grinded himself against Jimin—their erections rubbing each other through their jeans. Jimin moaned loudly “Jimin-ah what did I say?” A whimper left the younger and Yoongi slid his hands under jimin’s shirt and gently scraped his nails over the younger’s back. Jimin arched himself into the elder and whined—pinching Yoongi’s nipple again for revenge. He trailed his free hand down Yoongi’s back and towards his ass giving it a firm squeeze. Taking the older boy by surprise he switched them around so Yoongi was against the door.

“Brat.” Yoongi chuckled as Jimin moved from his lips to his neck, trailing hot kisses all over until he found the spot that made Yoongi whine. “F...fuck Jimin-ah… we gotta be quiet.” Jimin smirked against his warm skin before biting down lightly. His hands lifted Yoongi’s shirt until he had to pull away and lift the rest off of him. He leaned back to admire the pale torso of his boyfriend.

Yoongi moved his hands to jimin’s hips and pulled him close again—connecting their lips in a sweeter and softer kiss. Yoongi never felt self conscious in Jimin’s eyes, no matter what clothed or naked Jimin’s eyes always adored him. “I love you.” A sweet smile graced the younger’s face “I love you too hyung.”

Yoongi kisses him again and wrapped his fingers around the hem of Jimin’s shirt. “Get this damn thing off and fuck me already baby boy.” A low groan left the younger boy and he helped Yoongi get his shirt off before pulling him towards the bed.

“Take of your jeans hyung I can’t be bothered with the damn teasing.” Yoongi smiled secretly loving when Jimin became impatient and needy. “Only if…” he was about to say only if you take yours off to but Jimin was already slipping his legs out of them. He chuckled before slipping them off. He crawled in the bed and settled himself against the pillows and sprawling himself out comfortably.

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