01 // world one

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The eerie silence fell on my shoulders, pushing what felt like tons down on my spine. I sat up straighter, swivelling slightly in my desk chair before I turned halfway around and stood up.
It was the first time in hours that I've stood up, and I could feel it takes its toll; immediately, gravity yanked at my feet, gluing them to the floor, and the world around me was blurry and shifting from side to side.
I quickly shook the dizziness off and took slow steps through the silence, inching around the black room.
I found my lamp, turned the knob and squinted hard as the light fell among the walls and I noticed my new shadow form on the floor.
I sighed, walking to my bed where I turned my PlayStation on.
The TV screen quickly lit, and I selected the only profile, being my own.
I smiled, spotting the Overwatch disc sitting on the floor next to the console. I stood up and stepped closer to the TV, kneeling down to grab the disc. I noticed something unfamiliar on my screen; a new application had popped up. I slowly stood, towering over the smaller TV, when I heard the familiar sound of a notification.
The black box slid slowly onto the screen.
New Application: Minecraft
I froze. Minecraft?
I looked at the screen in confusion. I found myself still staring at the corner even after the small black box had slipped off the screen again.
I've never once played Minecraft, I thought.
I dropped the disc that was still in my hand and moved rather quickly back to my bed, shaking slightly, where I scooped up my controller. I clicked the buttons anxiously, praying that it was a glitch, as fears rose in my mind that this was a hacking.
Faster than ever, I found the application and my jaw dropped to the floor. Minecraft, sitting in its peace, rested in-front of my eyes.
This can't be a hacking, the thought fell over my head. But I shouldn't press it.
I decided this idea was stupid, clicking 'open'.
Everything was as usual; the play screen, the menu, the settings. I couldn't find a single misplacement.
What in hell?
I clicked 'play'.
I was expecting a virus to pop up, or a hacker to speak through my wired speakers, but nothing out of the normal appeared. The simple Minecraft music played quietly, and I found myself having to choose a world.
Choosing the world was the easiest decision of the night; considering, there was only a single world, hanging at the top of the screen.

World One.

unfair play // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now