03 // daylight

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My eyes were still wide open when my alarm went off for school. I was pacing along each wall, resulting in following the path around in circles. When I heard the alarm go off, it startled me and forced my foot to take a step outside of its previous rhythm.
I glared at the alarm clock and scowled, changing my path to walk towards the clock sitting on my bedside table.
I smacked my hand down on it, letting silence to fill the room once again.
I sighed, knowing the day to come ahead as I glanced over at my TV once again and let a shiver fall down my spine and the fears arose again. I made my way to the bathroom and stood over the counter. The lack of sleep, plus the anxiety building up in the back of my head was feeding the urge to throw up. I swallowed repeatedly, hoping the sickness would fade, as my head fell heavily over the sink.
Once I was absolutely confident that I could stand without hurling, I slowly raised my self to stand and looked at myself in the mirror. I noticed the dark bags sitting comfortably under my eyes and I sighed.
I washed my face off and grabbed by concealer from the drawer underneath me, applying it under my eyes, anxious to get the bags off my face. I came back to my room to retrieve my uniform and pulled it over my head and tied my bow, finishing it with my blazer.
I finished packing my bag and walked into the kitchen, making instant ramen for a small breakfast before I had to take off for school.
I shoved the ramen in my mouth as it came out of the microwave, burning my tongue in the process.
"Shit!" I cursed at myself while spitting noodles out.
My tongue burned, so I pushed the bowl across my table and decided against finishing it.
What a wonderful day to begin.

I locked the door behind me, setting off for school when I heard a door behind me open and shut.
I ignored it, avoiding turning around, knowing exactly who it was.
"Well, well, well... if it isn't Kim Hyemi." Jungkook called from his door, as I heard the lock snap in the door and him pull his keys back.
I stopped and smirked at the floor, refusing to turn around.
"Wow, how did you know?" I said with flat sarcasm.
"Well, you don't have to be so rude about it," he came up and met my left side, making me roll my eyes as I continued walking towards the elevators.
I didn't speak. I refused to even look him in the eye. I kept my eyes on the elevator doors as they opened and I practically ran into them.
"Where you going in such a hurry?" Jungkook smirked from the other side of the open doors.
I finally looked him in the eyes and glared hard. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you realize that you have something called school to attend? Wow. What an idea. I must be crazy." I pressed the ground floor button without breaking eye contact.
He smirked at me, laughing slightly as he sauntered into the elevator at his own pace.
I was getting impatient, so I quickly pressed the button to shut the elevator doors as he made it through.
The door started to close on him. "Woah there girl, watch what buttons you press. You might murder someone."
I smirked at my hands hovering over the button and pushed on it harder, holding it there for as long as it took for the doors to shut.
"Someone's in a terrible mood." he scowled from the corner.
I chuckled and stepped back from the buttons, meeting his side again. "Wow, I didn't know you were so self-obsessive."
"I wasn't talking about me," he rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets.
I smiled at my hands and crossed them in front of me as the doors opened again.

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