Chapter One

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  Summary: Allison Hightower was obsessed. Obsessed with photography, obsessed with fashion, makeup, music..but her biggest obsession..was Justin Bieber. She wasn't one of those fan girls who stalk him all the time and screams and cries for him, but she loves his music, more than anything because it's all true. He may have the looks to fit the part, but everything he says or does, is just right. She remembers many times when he says he wants a girl who doesn't act all crazy for him and loves him for himself, not for his fame or fortune.

So when she and her younger sister, Kayla go to a concert and get to meet him backstage, would this be an opportunity to at least talk to him and prove she's different?

T O D A Y W A S A F A I R Y T A L E ;

My stomach fluttered with excitement and nervousness. My palms started to sweat and my head started to bang, making me feel dizzy and sick. I was in the line to meet Justin Bieber. Now I know what you're thinking, why would I like him? Well there's many reasons.
Let's just say I saw him for the first time in his One Time video and fell in love and now here I was, being able to "meet" him. I admit, I love him a lot so I was worried, as should any girl, about my looks. What if he totally thinks I'm ugly or thinks I'm so weird because I'm freaking out? I admit, I don't have the best self esteem and I do feel different from the rest so of course I'm thinking the worst.

I was with my younger sister Kayla and she was bragging about how her feet we're hurting. Mine did too, considering we we're waiting for almost 2 hours, but I didn't complain. Who can blame her, she's a 10 year old.

Unlike her, I was 16 years old and I had to basically take care of her. My mom and dad are divorced and my mom is super busy with 2 jobs to support us. Typical story, right? I only see my dad twice every 3 months. He lives out of state and of course is remarried with a wife and kids. I hated all of them, especially my so called "step siblings." There was Bryson who was 15 years old, only one year younger then me. He thinks he's the best and of course is one of those preppy guys. Then theres Taylor and she's 13 and for her age, she's really mature and wears too much makeup. Every time I see her, I feel jealous of how pretty she is compared to me. Then lastly there's Natalie and she's only 5. She gets everyone's attention and I know it makes Kayla jealous. My parent's relationship was so messed up. They had me, then divorced a year later, then of course he moved on with another women to have Bryson and Taylor, then he broke up with her and got back with my mom to have Kayla and then they broke up 4 years later and had Natalie and is still with her. She wasn't a witch but she wasn't my mom.

"Alli? We're almost up, let's move!" I was abruptly awaken from my thoughts from my sister. I sighed and snapped into reality. I moved up and stood behind the person who was ready to go up. I swallowed hard when I saw him up close. He was perfect. His sandy blonde hair bounced when he did his signature move which was perfect. His lips looked so soft, his eyes so bright and his skin so flawless. The color purple looked amazing on him, I knew it was his favorite color.

I heard one of the men say NEXT and I almost fainted when I was first in line since the girl moved. I saw her have a mini heart attack and hugged him hard. He smiled sweetly and I almost passed out right there. He signed one of her posters and he came around the table to take a picture with her. She hugged him again and I heard her say thank you about a million times. I saw her walk off with one of the security guards and I knew it was my turn next. Kayla was next to me and I knew she was going to go first. "Next!" I heard the man say.

At that instant, my stomach pained of butterflies. I tried to brush off my nervousness but I instantly felt worse. I smiled it through and walked next to Kayla up to him.

My God.

He was everything I had imagined in person. Perfect. Flawless. Incredible.

"Hey ladies, what can I do for you?" His voice was like velvet, so perfect and rich, like chocolate.

My hand was trembling but I picked up my copy of My World 2.0 and handed it to him. I gave him a small smile and he took it out of my hands and began to sign it. He took a little longer on mine but then handed it to me and I saw Kayla give hers to him. He smiled at her and signed it quickly. "Would you guys like a picture?"

I looked down at my camera and nodded. "Uh yeah sure, I'd love that." I actually found my voice, which was a shock for me.

He got away from the table and we went over to take the picture. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him and Kayla was on his other side. I was blushing like crazy but when the guy said to smile, I smiled instantly. When it was done, I felt him pull away from the embrace and I suddenly got disappointed. He smiled at us. "Well it was nice meeting you two, I hope you guys have fun at the concert!"

"Thank you Justin!" Kayla said nicely and gave him a smile. He turned to me, expecting to say something. "Oh uh, It was a pleasure meeting you, I uh love you. I mean yeah..I love you're music. You're great." I was blushing like crazy and I knew it because he was laughing but in a nice way.

"You guys are really cute. Would you both like a hug?"

I was shocked. A hug, really? I was speechless so Kayla was the first to make the move. He hugged her tightly and then let go. Then it was time for my hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. I felt him touch my purse but it was probably by honest mistake. He let go and smiled at me. "Nice meeting you..wait was your names?"

"I'm Allison..and this is Kayla."

"Nice meeting you guys!"

"You too!" Kayla smiled happily. "Yeah, nice meeting you." I replied. I smiled and he smiled back and I saw him wink. I almost passed out but luckily, Kayla grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

"That was.."

"Incredible." I finished for her. Too incredible..

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