Chapter Thirty

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I love making Alli feel better. When she's happy, I'm happy. I messed up her whole entire life, but I didn't want her to think about it. If I tried to distract her as much as possible so she forgets about the whole baby situation, she'll be happier.

I kissed her on the cheek one more time before I pulled my vibrating phone out of my pocket. I read the text on the screen; "time 2 go get outside biebs we're waiting" I rolled my eyes and looked back at Alli. She was smiling, an unnatural looking smile. Somehow, she still managed to make it look like the cutest thing ever.

"We gotta go, sweetheart," I took a few steps toward the door and picked up a few of Alli's bags she was taking with us on tour.

She caught up with me and tried taking the bags out of my hand.


"I'm not letting you carry my things, I can do it myself."

I raised my eyebrows and looked down at her stomach, trying to give her a hint. I didn't want to come out and say 'Well you're carrying my child now so I'm going to carry your things for you.' I handed her the lightest bag I was holding. "You can carry that, I'm taking everything else, okay? I don't want my beautiful lady hurting herself."

She blushed and walked out to the bus waiting for us outside. We threw the bags on the ground next to Scooter for him to put into the bus. I walked back in with Alli so I could bring out the rest of the bags and so she could say goodbye to her mom and sister.

I knew it was going to be hard on her, leaving her family for two months. If she had said that she wanted to stay, I would have felt hurt, but I would have understood why. I don't travel without my mom and being away from my dad is horrible. She has to be away from her mom and her sister, the two people she loves the most. I can't believe she's giving them up for two months just to be with me. I feel honored that such a beautiful, perfect girl could love me so much. She loves me enough to leave her family, and that just makes me love her even more.

As I walked outside with her bags, I could see her crying as she hugged her mom. It made me regret asking her to come along. So much was going on right now and she really needed to be home with her mom. I dropped the things next to Scooter again then went back inside. I saw Alli hugging Kayla this time. When they let go, I slowly walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her.

She jumped and wiped the tears off of her face when she saw me. "Oh, sorry Justin. We can-"

I cut her off before she could finish. "No, you can't come. I can't let you be away from your mom, especially now. You need her for support. I want you to come but I don't want you to suffer because of what I want."

"No, I want to come Justin!" Her face was a mixture of unhappiness and anger.

"But you need your mom! Admit it!" I was yelling now.

"No I don't! I'll have you to help me!"

"I'll be working most of the time! How would I help you when you really need me if I'm working?"

She started to cry now. "Justin... this isn't going to work, is it?"

I took a deep breath. "It will, but not if..."

"I keep the baby." She closed her eyes when she finished.

"I just..." I sighed and put my arms around her. She just stood there, while I held her. "We can try to make it work."

"How, when I have a baby and your on tour? The baby will never see you or even know you and I'll have to take care of it myself!"

She was getting really mad and I didn't like seeing her like this. "Can we talk about this later?"

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