Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Well, it looks like it's summer time." I grinned.

"Yeah..sad that we won't get to hang out though.."

"Who said we aren't?"

"..You'll be with Justin the whole summer, right?"


"So then I'll be stuck at home."

"You won't."

"How?" She was totally confused now.

"You're going with, silly!"

"WHAT?" She actually screamed. I'm glad we were walking home from our last day of school. "I'm coming with?"

All I could do was nodd. She started to scream more and she hugged me so tightly that I almost fell over. "Oh my God, he's still on tour right? Is his friends gonna be there too? Oh my God, RYAN BUTLER!"

I didn't know if they would be there..she was already freaking out. "Lea, girl, chill." I laughed at her until she stopped and realized some people were looking at her crazy. She laughed too and settled down. "Okay, this will be the best summer ever, don't you think?"

"Duh! Oh and don't worry, Justin already talked to my mom and she talked to yours."

"How did you guys make this up?"

"I don't know, me and him talked at night and I always said how I'd miss you and he said 'why don't bring her with?' and he always talks about meeting 'my best friend.'

"Oh my God, really? You guys mention me?"

"...Yeah, well not all the time, but I would miss you if you didn't come with. Who knows, since you love Ryan so much.."

"Yes!" She screamed again. I sighed and she noticed. "Oops, sorry." She laughed.

We got back to my place and my mom was home.

"Oh hey girls. By the look of Lea's face.."

"Don't mention it again, mom." My mom laughed when Lea started to scream again.

"When does Justin come?"

"Tomorrow..I was wondering if Lea could sleepover?"

"Yeah sure. I have to go to work now. Kayla is at her friend's house so walk to get her in 2 hours okay? It's the next street, the house on the left, first one." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and waved goodbye to Lea and walked out.

We were now alone.

We decided to watch movies, eat, talk, watch tv, and then go get Kayla.

The day was already ending and I was suppose to call Justin at 10, after his concert.

Lea was already asleep on our extra sleeping bag and I was in my bed already. I found his number in my contacts and pushed call. It only took 3 rings for him to answer. "Hey baby."

"Hey. I can't talk long, Lea is in here sleeping over."

"Oh okay. How are you?"

"Fine..just missing you."

"I'm missing you too but I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"I can't wait either! What are we doing?"

He paused, thinking about it. "We're going to club."

I smiled. "Cool, is Ryan going?"

"Of course, why?"

"Um... Lea..."

"Oh... I see. Maybe it'll happen?"

"For the sake of her, I hope so," I laughed.

"I have to go now, but remember, I'll always love you," His voice was sincere.

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see. "I'll always know it. I love you too, forever."

I could tell he was smiling. "Bye, gorgeous."


I looked over at Lea who was still sleeping. I smiled and fell asleep next to her.


The next day all Lea and I did was talk about the club we were going to tonight. She gushed about Ryan and I gushed about Justin, you know, the usual. We did each other's hair, make up, and nails until we both looked perfect. Lea chose out the cutest jean skirt and lavender tank top for me to wear, and she picked out another jean skirt with a light green strapless tube top. We got dressed and slipped on some flip flips that matched our tops.

The doorbell rang throughout the house and we both knew it was time to go. I ran down the steps with Lea following me close behind screaming about how hot Ryan is.

When I got to the door, I smiled as I opened it. "Hey baby."

Justin kissed me lightly on the lips. "Hey beautiful." He turned to Lea and gave her a hug. "Hey Lea."

He led us into the car without saying a word. The moment Lea saw Ryan sitting alone she ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hi! I'm Lea, nice to meet you."

He smiled at her, trying not to look creeped out. "Nice too meet you too, I'm Ryan."

Her eyes grew larger. "I know."

I sat in between Justin and Chaz. We drove to the club and I smiled at the large building. We all got out of the car and walked inside.

Justin waved to Chaz and Ryan, who had Lea glued to his side. He didn't seem to mind though.

Justin took my hand. "Let's go dance."

I nodded and smiled as he pulled me with him. He suddenly stood still and let me go. "I'll be right back."

I shrugged and felt a tap on my shoulder. I twirled around to see Chaz smiling at me.

"Hey..Chaz." I replied awkwardly. He was getting a little too close to me.

"Hey gorgeous. Want a drink?"

I couldn't reply, he walked over and got me a drink. I was standing there like an idiot, not knowing what to do.

He handed me a cup and it looked like fruit punch to me so I drank it. It tasted disgusting but I couldn't process it, he pulled me into him and I couldn't think. The music got louder and louder and for some reason, I kept drinking until I wanted seconds and thirds.

By now me and him were dancing, me in front of him, our bodies close, me going in front of him, which he seemed to enjoy. I knew it was wrong and I was wondering where Justin was but before I could process it more, I felt him turn me around and that's when his lips touched mine.

I tried to get out of it but his grip was too strong. I kissed him back for a second until I heard a voice. "What's going on?"


Chaz backed away automatically and I turned around to see the most broken face in the world.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't talk.

Without any reply, I ran out as fast as I could, tears streaming down my face.

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