Chapter Two

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  "Alli, I'm..shaking. This is going to be amazing!"

We we're now inside and to be honest, I was shaking too. This was really happening! I met Justin Bieber, the one who inspires me! I felt sick to my stomach, realizing I had forgot to eat and hearing the loud screams of obsessive fans we're making my ears bleed. Kayla, being one of them.

Everyone was shouting his name and the lights gone out, meaning the show had start.

Finally, the shades opened and the music started. There was Justin, in his sexy skinny black jeans and a cute white tee.

He sang Love Me, Down To Earth, Somebody To Love, Never Let You Go, Favorite Girl and now he is was starting a new song.

He did One Less Lonely Girl and brought up this girl who wore TOO much eyeliner. I was sort of angry, how he probably wanted that kind oIf girl to be his girlfriend. I can tell she was stuck up because of how she kept flipping her hair, she was too tan and her outfit was too tight, that it showed her body. She was almost ALL over him.

He sang his other songs that of course I knew by heart and so did Kayla. He ended with One Time and was finally done. I sighed, it was already over..

"That was amazing." Kayla screamed, over all of the other screams.

All I could do was nodd. It was over with. Time to go back to reality. At least I got to meet him..

"It was so amazing, I mean it was my first Justin concert." I was at school telling my best friend, Lea about it, since she sadly couldn't go.

"And you met him? Oh my God, your so lucky!" She was just as big of a fan as I was, but a bit more obsessed.

"I know." I smiled big, just thinking about it. "And when we took that picture, his arm was around my waist and.."

"Oh my God!" She screamed, causing others to look at us. She started to laugh at herself. She's not the type to get shy, she's really outgoing which makes us so different. "That's just, crazy. Wow, I want to be you."

"Yeah I know but like that was it. I wanted it to go on forever, specially the part when I met him."

"Of course you'd feel that way, Alli, every belieber would. Hey, at least you met him and got him to sign your CD."

"At least." I gave her a half smile. If only, it would've been more then an autograph..

"So how was it last night?" My mom asked me. She was home and I didn't get to see her last night. Having two jobs was too difficult but I couldn't blame her, she loved us and wanted to support us.

"So good, I'm glad we got to go, I mean he signed my CD and we took a picture! I really want to see that picture because..well I just wanna see it." How could I tell my mom his arm was around my waist? I mean it seems so normal but it felt totally more than that.

"I'm glad, hon. Those tickets cost a lot. You know, I work so hard for you and Kayla and I just wanna see you both happy."

I smiled. "I know, mom and I'm so thankful for everything you do."

She hugged me tight and told me to go upstairs to do homework. Well typical, mother.

I got upstairs to my room and fell on my bed, staring at my lavender walls, filled with his face. I sighed and got up to get my purse. I was procrastinating, if you couldn't tell. I wanted to organize. It was something, right?

I had photos I had taken myself with my amazing camera, my lipgloss, eyeshadow, some mascara, other things..but something caught my eye. A piece of paper. Huh?

I opened it up carefully, hoping it wasn't a death note.

It wasn't.

Hey pretty. It's Justin. Yes Bieber.
Call me.

My heart skipped a beat, and began to race. His number. Him. Called me pretty. Justin gave me a note in my purse? When?

Then I remembered. We we're hugging and I felt him touch my purse. He slipped a note in my purse? How and when did he have time for that? I then remembered he took a little longer on my CD when he was signing it..

My heart was racing miles and miles per hour and I didn't know what to do. Call him? Text him? Look like a fool? He could totally not know who I am or he would be all boring like a "hey, whats up. nm, cool." That pissed me off.

I picked up my phone carefully saved his number in my contacts. I had Justin Bieber's number in my phone, what other belieber can say that? I carefully pushed the call button and that's when I knew for sure I was ready to pass out.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.


It was him.  

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