Chapter Fifteen

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We all walked outside and onto the basketball court. Alli and Caitlin sat down on the sidelines while we picked teams.

"JB, I'm with you!" Ryan called out and grabbed onto the sleeve of my T-shirt.

I nodded, "Cool, Chaz and Christian, you're a team. Now let's play!"

Alli grabbed the basketball that was sitting next to her and threw it at me. It almost smacked me in the head, but I caught it in time. Her face looked apologetic, but I smiled at her to let her know I was fine.

I started dribbling the ball down the court, studying where Chaz and Christian were, along with Ryan. He ran across the paint and I passed him the ball. Ryan shot a twisted layup and the ball slowly fell inside the metal ring.

Ryan ran up to me and gave me a high-five as we walked to the other side of the court. I looked over at Alli who was obviously trying to ignore Caitlin, who didn't look too happy while talking to her. Until I heard Christian cheer from his shot attempt being made, I forgot that I was playing basketball. Ryan slapped me in the back and looked at me. "What's wrong with you man?"

I shrugged. "I don't think Caitlin likes Alli too much..."

"Well of course, she's beautiful and she's dating you. You know she still likes you, right?"

"Wait, what?" I had no idea. I definitely don't have feelings for Caitlin anymore, I don't like her like that.

Ryan looked at me like I was retarded. "Dude, she so likes you! Are you blind?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't know, maybe it's because I don't like her so I don't look at her like that!"

"Hey little lovebirds, do you want to play some basketball or fuck each other?" Chaz screamed out from the other side of the court.

I grabbed the ball and started dribbling, "I think we'll play!"

We played until Alli looked like she was going to punch Caitlin in the face. Ryan and I won, 22-19, but instead of celebrating, I walked over to Alli. "Are you okay?"

She shook her head and lowered her head so I couldn't see her face. "No, Caitlin fucking hates me, she wants me gone so she can have you."

I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her body. "Don't worry, I'm not going back to that bitch, I only want you."

She bit her lip, "Really? Because she's about ten times more bea-"

I stopped her by kissing her gently on the lips. She smiled at me when I backed off. I felt something hard bounce off of my body and turned around. Ryan, Chaz, and Christian were laughing while Caitlin stood looking pissed off. I know it was her who threw the ball at me to stop kissing Alli.

I turned and looked at Alli quickly. "Caitlin still likes me, but I don't like her. She gets really jealous."

"Well I don't deal with jealous people. Justin, just tell her to back off."

"Can we talk about this later?"

"No, we won't talk about this later." Her voice got louder and she got up from where we were sitting. I noticed everyone stared at us. "Justin, tell her now!"

"Allison, not now."

"Tell me what?" Caitlin asked.

"That you're a skank and you need to step away from my man."

"Wait, what?" She didn't seem to know what she was talking about.

"Don't play stupid, Caitlin." Allison said in between her teeth.

"I'm not playing, I don't get what you're saying, I'm not trying to steal him away from you."

The rest of the guys seemed clueless and we're now joking around with each other. "Girls, don't.."

Allison walked up to her and they started to argue to each other.

"You're a fucking fake, you know that?" Allison hissed.

"I think you are, you know I don't even know what he sees in you."

She laughed. "What did he USED to see in you? You're annoying, your a bitch, you're fake-"

"Allison!" I shouted to stop her. "Just let it go."

She turned to me. "How can I? Justin I-"

"We'll talk later, okay?" Caitlin seemed so mad, I gave her a half smile and she rolled her eyes and walked over to the boys, leaving me and Allison alone.

"Why, Alli, why did you have to start that?"

"You know it yourself, she hates me and is trying to get you back." The tears we're forming in her eyes. "She really is."

"I told you, I'm not interested, why won't you believe me?"

"Because, she's beautiful, compared to me, you heard what she said!"

"Don't listen to her, Alli, okay? Just ignore her." I sighed. I knew today would be messed up.'


She was mad at me now, no doubt, but honestly, I didn't want drama.

"Come on guys, let's go back and find something else to do."

Justin was sweating from playing basketball and I tried to focus on how hot he was but all my thoughts right now contained of how much Catlin was a bitch.

"Do you guys wanna go to a party tonight?" Chaz asked.

A party? What?

"Oh my God." I heard her squeal. "Totally, I heard there's a lot of fun clubs for under age teens, like around here."

Justin looked at me and my face showed something like 'What the? I'm not going.' "I don't know, guys."

"Come on, man." Ryan punched him in the shoulder. "Why not?"

"Well, I'm not sure if Allison wants to go."

All eyes turned on me now and I had no words. "I..uh."

"You don't wanna go out? Honey, it's a Saturday you don't wanna have fun?" She sounded so fake, I wanted to punch her out, I should've before.

I knew I didn't wanna go, deep down I knew I didn't wanna go but something, deep inside me..."Fine, I'm going."

Justin's face instantly turned into a smile. "Yes!"

I gave Caitlin a fake smile. "Great." I replied.

I wasn't the type to do this, to party but I didn't wanna not go and find out that she was all over Justin.

Justin walked over to me and whispered in my ear. "You sure?"

"Yeah." I replied back. "Totally sure."

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