Chapter Thirty-Five

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Click. The camera flashes a light as it captures the bright yellow sun. It looked beautiful, the sun flashing, heating against my skin. It wasn't just a hobby of mine anymore; it was my life.

Photography for me, was a way to escape all of my troubles and thoughts and put them into the shots I took. I had many memories of each and every shot I took. Maybe it's just a picture but I can connect with each and every one of them.I said goodbye to Justin two days ago- it was the hardest thing I had to do in my entire life.

"Alli, I'm gonna miss you so fucking much, so much."

"I'm gonna miss you too and I don't know how I'm going to survive.."

"You will, don't worry and I promise to come by and visit, okay?"

"Okay." I felt him wipe away my tears and he kissed me hard on the lips.

"Think of me okay? Even if Taylor and everyone else says things, remember they are either jealous or have no life and would love to spend it on a beautiful girl- making her upset because they are just that mean."

"I know and you gave me the confidence to speak up for myself so even though I thank you a million times, thank you Justin."

He smiled wide. "I love you Allison."

"I love you too Justin."

We kissed one more time until I heard someone tell me to get on and I knew by then, I was crying, literally. I saw his face- one more time, one last glance, before the doors closed, and his face was now only in my memory.

I sighed and went inside and up to my room. Here I was, sitting on my bed, thinking about this. I knew by now, I had to get over it. He was my boyfriend- but he was also a superstar. I had to deal with him going off to promote things or to a concert or an appearance. He knows he's always busy as hell, but he only really wants to be a normal teenager, but living his dream. Sorta like Hannah Montana, expect he doesn't have an alter ego..That was a bad comparison.

I took out my folder full of random things and found that song Justin wrote for me. Beautiful girls all over the world...I could be chasing but my time would be wasted they got nothing on you baby..

I smiled to myself and put it back in the folder. I pulled out a song I was in the middle of writing, just never had any inspiration to continue it.

Or maybe I just didn't have any time.

All I had was the beginning was horrible but I started writing it before I had my first date with Justin.

The date he almost didn't show up to because he was late.

The clock read 7:00 and that's when I started to feel nervous. I tried to calm myself with breathing and even a drink but nothing. The clock now read 7:15. Where was he?





Did he forget? Not want to go? Didn't like me anymore?


Nothing. I sunk into the recyliner and my mom looked at me sadly. "It's not that late, maybe he'll show up."

"Probably not." I felt tears forming in my eyes but I tried to stop. "Too good to be true." I whispered.

I sighed and got up to change but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a knock at the door.

My mom and I shared a quick glance but then she rushed to the door. She opened it wide and was surprised to see..him.


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